i need help! cali people w/license


i live in cali and i have been a smoker for along period of time.. im just sarting a new job with a bank that doesnt drug test. im looking to get my medical license here in LA, cali but im worried about my job finding out and a possible future random drug test!! will my license prevent me from being fired by my job if i am tested?? or does it help me since its docter prescribed?? i just dont want to lose my job over being dirty for pot on a drug test?? please any and as much info you have for me would be great... cause i really want my medical card it seems so much safer but i feel like there is a string attached.. i like my privacy. soo if i have my license and the bank drug test me whats gonna happen???? thanks for your time and help! stay classy san diego lol:peace:


Well-Known Member
If you piss hot, You will lose your job, even with a Dr.s recommendation. Sorry.

As far as your job finding out that you have a Dr.s recommendation, nope, they wont know unless you tell them. It is a confidential medical record, and treated as such.

Hope this helps....


Well-Known Member
yo i live in orange county and i think i can help you out

they dont drug test you after the initial drug test so you dont have to worry after you pass the first one. but if you say they dont drug test then you have no worries at all.

just dont make yourself sketch and smoke too much b4 work. save the green for after a hard days work


wow so if i have a license and pee dirty.. the license doesnt help me!?? if it helps you with the law enforcement why wouldnt it help you with your employment.. kinda B/S


Well-Known Member
yea usually jobs dont have special privaliges for marijuana since its still pretty much in the same drug classification as coke, heroin, meth.....

there are MANY ways to pass a drug test though so dont trip dude. i personally use "QUICK FIX" google it or google the "URINATOR"


Well-Known Member
ya it's bs. Some guy sued a company called "firewire, i think". the case went to the state supreme court last year, and lost. You can probably look it up on google.


Well-Known Member
But, if you get a prescription for "Marinol???" you can get around the piss test. Somebody help me out here, what is the correct name of the synthetic thc medication? I'm high as hell right now and can't think straight. My 215 Dr tried to give me the script, but I don't need it....