I need Help from experienced People...

Hi Rollitup Community...
I need to get my yield up! I need at least a pound a light...
A breif history about myself,,, I have been growing for several years now, i change strains every now and then for my own experimenting... I have the unfortunate task of often moving, so i am in a new location for the past 3 grows,,, The first grow i did in my new location i had seeds and a bad yield, about half a pound a light with 2 lights, 1 pound total... it was my first time growing in the new location and the first time i encountered seeds. (LOTS OF SEEDS) Anyways i was dumb and didnt clean the pollen from the room the next round so i had seeds again,,, so the 3rd grow (my most current one) i bought "reverse" and It worked GREAT! NO seeds! but my yield still was the same...

I use soil, 5 gallon pots foxfarm, ocean forest, and happy frog. 1000 watt HPS bulbs. I Veg from cuttings and put in flourecents.
I went back to basics on nutrients last round using only the 2 parts A & B SensiGrow (Veg) and Sensi Bloom (Flower) becuase i heard that Nitrogen will help create seeds in flower, so i stayed away from the extra additives.. NO seeds at all. I actually had put 3 lights really close together also causing more heat in the room... (was hoping it would help with yield, but no)
I removed the 3rd light, it wasnt needed and was too close.
My Problem is with Yield, Im dying right now with the power bill... This time i built a flower bed inside my flood tables so i actually have a lot of soil (hoping it helps with yield)

I tried to take a picture, but the lights clicked on me as i was taking the second pic,,,, Basically i have 3 lights,,, 2 of them are next to eachother and when i turn around i have 1 more. I have no drain so ii have to set my table ontop of a resivour i dump about 2 times a grow. So I always Scrog, last time though i was a bit lazy about weaving it in the screen too much, i more or less used the screen for support...

So right now, I plan on using A & B again, but i think i need some more nutes? or fertalizer? What is recommended? the hydro stores have too many choices...
Also this round i mixed in COCO under the top soil because i have been hearing good things about it. I always aim for 6.0 PH

In my arsenal of Nutrients i have:
Big Bud
Sensi Bloom & SensiGrow
Shooting powder
5 gallon bucket of Commercial Mollasiss (Friend recommended as a hardner)
Calmag (I havnt used since i found seeds)

Are there any key fertalizers i should know about?
I appreciate any and all constructive critisism.... I need to get my yields up, im starving....

(PS. When i moved into my new spot, my neighbor welcomed me by giving me a plant which hermied on me on the first grow, so i blame that for the 2 rounds of seeds, but i thought i recovered from that, but still have bad yields.) Are my lights too low? I was thinking of giving them 100% of the light for a few weeks then bumping it down to 75% which would be 750 watts for the rest of the time? Ill leave it open now for comments...



Active Member
well i thought my 1.5 lbs per light was bad :) look at my journal for what i did maybe it will help some. also how many plants what kind? are they a high yeilder? Nitrogen does not cause seeds, i use lots of nutes, keeps temps down or they stop growing over 85 deg and under 65 deg. (i learned recently) cut off what doesnt get light it only decreases yeild, put lights as close as possible without burning them. make sure to never over or under water it causes stress and they stop growing. Maybe pick up a book ive read most all of em now and george cervantes is the best as far as easy to learn from. hes also on you tube. hope this helps some :) good luck


I would suggest adding some beneficials to aid in nutrient uptake.. Piranha/Tarantula.. something like that.
Also, use your additives! :) The quality of seed formation is affected by the nutrients given to the plant but
once the flower is successfully pollinated, the seed will form regardless of N levels. That being said.. don't over fertilize ;)
Hope it helps...


Well-Known Member
i think your yield should be about 1 gram per watt, at least. some are now saying 3 grams per watt is good, so that is the new norm. id say if you are getting anywhere between 1/g per watt - 2/g per watt your doing a great job!! i wouldn't try to push it anymore. maybe turn yer little buds in hashs or oils. that will get your some more dough, i suppose. if growing for profit is your main and only concern...
Thank you guys, Ill try to get more pics soon. They are Casey Dawg, Purple Dawg, and OG Kush.
how much nutrients do you put into it? can i get away with using the Sensi Bloom A and Sensi Bloom B? PPM i am currently at 800 but i try to take it to 1500 or a bit more....

I just feel like there is something obvious im missing to cause such horrible yields, not growing for profit, but it would be nice to see it pull its weight.

I dont want to have to make hash oils.... Do you guys push the plants on to the edge of almost nuteburning them? I will add more nutrients, and is molassis good to add to the mix? i was given a 5 gallon bucket of it and told to use it every watering for heavier buds.... but ever since then,,,,


Well-Known Member
3 grams per watt? introduce me to them.!. <3
i think your yield should be about 1 gram per watt, at least. some are now saying 3 grams per watt is good, so that is the new norm. id say if you are getting anywhere between 1/g per watt - 2/g per watt your doing a great job!! i wouldn't try to push it anymore. maybe turn yer little buds in hashs or oils. that will get your some more dough, i suppose. if growing for profit is your main and only concern...
I would be really happy with 1 gram per watt,....
I sprayed the plants with "Reverse" at 7 days into flower like the instructions say.


bud bootlegger
molasses is ok, but be careful not to use much more that say 1tbs per gallon of h2o, or you can start to have problems with nute lockout..

and yes, you've got to learn how much nutes your plants can handle, and there's pretty much only one way to do so.. keep increasing the ppm's slowly till you start to see signs of nute burn, and which point you'll want to back off of them slightly and keep them there.. if you don't ever start to see slight nute burn, you're probably not pushing them as hard as possible..
i didn't see you mention anything about the temps in your room or rh... you'll want to keep your lights around 67 on the low end to around 77 on the higher end.. if your temps are too high, plant growth will slow to a crawl.. same if they get too low as well.. i really had issues this summer with high temps and seen first hand what they can do to growth..
for veg, you'll want your rh, relative humidity around 65 / 70 % or so and for veg around 45% or slightly lower are optimal..
and also use more than the sensi a and b as well.. bud blood, or even say the trio of fox farms solubles of cha ching, beastie bloomz and open sesame work well in soil applications..
Hey Thank You Racer, I guess i have to push the nutes a little bit and see what the plants will take,,, Last round i thought i could get a higher yield by putting in a 4th light, but i ended up just increasing the heat in the room,,, and the growth was weak,,, so i will have to check out the temps again when lights are on, i took these pics last night though, hopefully i get approval for my SCrog Method,,, I have heard of Open Seasame before,maybe i should use that,,, also maybe the molassis caused lockout? I was told i can use a lot of it "there is no such thing as too much molassis" Also should i add all these products every time? And my digital ph readers keep breaking so im using the color changing iodine or whatever its called,,, but its hard to see the color change becasue it is already yellowish becasue of the nutes in the mix,,, So i assume my PPM pen might be messed up a bit too,.. regular tap water reads around 8.0 PH here i aim for 6.0 The tap water also comes out around 250-300PPM according to my pen, so even if my pen is messed up i can assume it reads about 250ppm more than it actually is... So since i have always had bad yields,, (my best yield was aboiut 3/4 pound on 1 light) My grow journals are pointless at reading because i can push them harder... Let me know what you think so far.


the temps get around 63 at night on the low and around 75 with lights on... 66% RH
Canopy looks great, but i always seem to loose weight somewhere,,,, i have had people say that my stuff shrinks a lot when its drying,, i probably need more hardners in the mix, i usually flush a lot in the last 3 weeks,, but maybe i shouldnt? if i dont flush will i get more yield and weight from plants? (i know it makes it harsh but i can flush for a couple of days instead of weeks?)

How do you know when you have caused "lockout" Im wondering if i did that last time as well as heat stress.... I really gotta get my game together because i am suppose to start a new job SOON taking care of a collectives Grow (pretty big) So i need to beable to produce for the great people of California.,, *Hypothetically ;)
and i use Hortilux 1000 watt bulb..... (Weird short story... The other day i went into the room and one light was off, turned out that the ballast died and blew the buld... so both are broken,,, luckily i had extra supplies, but now i have returns to do,,, both were about 7 monthes old, and i recently had been using more power so i dont think i was pushing the limits because i am actually down a light now.) Weird
Yea i believe in Genetics,, my "friends" who have been growing forever really screwed me over by telling me to grow OG Kush because they said it has a Strong Demand, $$$... But the yield is so Shitty its not worth it, i would be better of growing indoor tomatoes.... Also i checked up on my conditions this morning, it said my Max temp was 83 and low was 63-71 degrees... RH is about 58%-66%... I plucked off a few big fan leaves this morning to give some more light to potential bud sites... What do you guys think about picking off water leaves? and when? and how much to pick? I always struggle with the issue of pulling leaves, not sure what i can get away with ,,,, ideally i would want just a bunch of buds and hardly any leaves? (But i cant pick to many at once or it triggers the plant to grow roots?)

Is it okay to thin it out??? Also i am going to spray Reverse on it tomorrow morning about 5 minutes before lights go off. (Directions say to spray with lights on, but i am hesitant on that)
"2 Joints in the morning, 2 Joints in the afternoon, 2 Joints at night" "Smoke 2 joints , then i smoke 2 joints... Then i smoke 2 more."


munch box

Well-Known Member
I recently placed a order for just a handful of seeds and on checkout the total was 60$ after shipping and non stealth delivery, but when I looked online at my bank transaction, Attitude seedbank had taken out almost 10$ more than the agreed ammount. Thats not including the seperate currency fee my bank charged on the side . 1.50$ My reciept says 42 euros, and when I do the currency conversion online, it only comes out to 60$, not $69. Do I have that correct? Has anybody had this problem with Attitude overcharging credit cards before?​