I need help identifying 2nd node (pics attached)


Active Member
ok, this is only my 2nd time topping. Last time when i topped, i could see the spots where the 4 main colas would be. On this strain, i cannot. So i just want to make sure i am topping at the right place. I have circled where i think i should top. Does this look right?



Active Member
why is it one above. That actually looks like where it should be topped, but i thought the 1st true node was the one abobe the cotyledons

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
ok, this is only my 2nd time topping. Last time when i topped, i could see the spots where the 4 main colas would be. On this strain, i cannot. So i just want to make sure i am topping at the right place. I have circled where i think i should top. Does this look right?
Depends on the response you're after. You do know what kind of response you want, eh? What you've circled is the 2nd true node. It should yield 4 main colas. This has been explained a hundred times in my thread on topping, including pix.

Good luck,


Active Member
I am after the 4 main colas using your technique. So where i circled is the correct place then? It just seems different than previous plants I did. Thanks


Active Member
It works great!!, see the attached pic from my last grow,
That looks awesome! I have a grow tent also, so i was worried about taking up space..but that looks great! I'm still on my first grow, almost done! I think I'll top all my plants like that next time.


Well-Known Member
ok, this is only my 2nd time topping. Last time when i topped, i could see the spots where the 4 main colas would be. On this strain, i cannot. So i just want to make sure i am topping at the right place. I have circled where i think i should top. Does this look right?
Yes, that is the correct place to top.


Active Member
yes, there is need mate. if everyone start askin for any shit,, the forum will be flooded. im pretty sure that the growfaq have answers for everything, but its easy jus to post a thread, init???
I believe that's the point of the "post thread" option. To give and receive advice.


Active Member
300 posts and you still don't know how to count nodes... sorry but that's sad.
thanks for your productive post. what was the point of coming in here and bashing me? I wanted to make sure i did something right so i asked. I guess some people just have to down others to make them selves feel good. Oh well.

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
thanks for your productive post. what was the point of coming in here and bashing me? I wanted to make sure i did something right so i asked. I guess some people just have to down others to make them selves feel good. Oh well.
I'm not going to single you out, this "lecture" goes out to all the folks that it's applicable to - if you don't want to be bashed, then don't be a flame bait. This simple and basic topic has been discussed dozens of times, not only in my thread but previously by another noob too lazy to read my thread who posted the same damn question about 4 months ago, here! If you had done a search, you would have pulled up the other thread (or read mine) and saved folks time.

Also, this is not an Advanced topic, it's basic and doesn't belong here. If you don't know how to count nodes because you don't know what a node is, then you don't understand the anatomy of plants in general and you need to get back to basics. You're better off getting a book on plant culture rather than frequenting a cannabis forum IMO. I gave you the answer and your response was this - "So where i circled is the correct place then?" I understand your apprehension but this isn't rocket science.

Like the following video says, "looks like you got some more learning to do first" - http://www.starterupsteve.com/swf/posting.html?

Good luck,

Mr. Cheetah

Well-Known Member
I'm not going to single you out, this "lecture" goes out to all the folks that it's applicable to - if you don't want to be bashed, then don't be a flame bait. This simple and basic topic has been discussed dozens of times, not only in my thread but previously by another noob too lazy to read my thread who posted the same damn question about 4 months ago, here! If you had done a search, you would have pulled up the other thread (or read mine) and saved folks time.

Also, this is not an Advanced topic, it's basic and doesn't belong here. If you don't know how to count nodes because you don't know what a node is, then you don't understand the anatomy of plants in general and you need to get back to basics. You're better off getting a book on plant culture rather than frequenting a cannabis forum IMO. I gave you the answer and your response was this - "So where i circled is the correct place then?" I understand your apprehension but this isn't rocket science.

Like the following video says, "looks like you got some more learning to do first" - http://www.starterupsteve.com/swf/posting.html?

Good luck,
well said :mrgreen: