I need help, i'm a newbie


Active Member
Ok, here goes...

7 Feminised Dutch Passion's Super Haze
Hard Tap water of PH 7.8-8.5 before nuts/ph -/+
Germination in Aerogarden Classic

A long story short - I germinated 7 in the Aerogarden Classic medium without realising that the medium already had seeds inside - mixed between spring onions, parsley, coriander, ect...

After a couple of days, some sprouted and i realised the other seeds which were all different for every pod they supply you with had also sprouted.

4 out of 7 sprouted, of which 2 of the 4 that did were showing a much greater improvement (i'm talking about the super haze).

After 2 weeks, they were maybe 1-2 inches tall. Now i know by looking at other people's grow that something was wrong with mine. So i open the sponge medium and attempted to remove any seeds or roots other than the super haze.

I left them in the aerogarden from germination for a month using the nutrients that Aerogarden supply you with - 2 tablets every 2 week and change the water after a month.

So when the month elapsed, without doing any research, i popped the hood off the Aerogarden and used 6 LED lights for another week. At this point i used Formulex cloning nuts since i had nothing else at the time. It was used at a 1:10 the ratio of it's full strength sine i misread the side of the intructions and put .3ml per litre instead of 3ml.

I transplanted 2 of the healiest out of 7 to a flood and drain hydroponic system after the week had elapsed.

The hydro system was of clay pebble medium which i had washed thoroughly in my bath tub before inserted into the flood and drain buckets.

Being a total newbie, i didn't think rockwool was necessary so i planted them straight into the clay pebbles with roots of only about 3-4 inches long.

This flood and drain system was also set up with LED lights peaking 6 bulbs of 15w each, mixed on a 1:5 ration being more red 660mn over the 450mn blue.

The lights are placed 1-2 inches from the top of both plants. The timer was set to flood for 3 minutes and drain immediately after that every 3 hours.

On the 6th week, i had received a ph meter, vitalink veg and flower nuts, liquid oxygen, liquid silicon, ph up and ph down solutions.

I flushed the water out and changed it with new water in order to add nuts and management to the solution.

I had also realised that my hydroponic tank was a 22 litre volume and i had only put half the water (11-12 litres) but without messing up the nuts ration. I just hadn't realised i could add another 10 litres in the tank volume.

So on the 8th week i added another 10 litres and more nuts, however i had no ppm meter to see if i was burning them. However, i saw no sign of ph or fert burn on the tip of the leaves.

NOTE: When i was growing in the aerogarden, these are the two that showed no sign of ph or fert burn, however the other 5 showed fert burns and also 2 of those died which also happened to be bigger than the ones in the hydro tank at the time i picked them out. Meaning the ones i kept were the healthiest and strongest maybe?

Ok back what i was explaining - I messed up really bad with ph down and many times i had to use ph up to recaliber the ph between 5.5 - 6.5.

I used liquid oxygen everyday except when i can't make it home (which isn't longer than 2 days).

However, i have no heater to warm the water, which might be affecting plant growth since it's christmas - the tent is pretty warm but the water is cold.

Also another problem i am having is that due to the fact i didnt use rockwool, when the flood and drain system operates, it sucks the plant towards the pipe that lets the water run back down into the tank. Therefore my plants move from the center of the bucket to the edge of the bucket and end up touching each other.

Now i know this shoulds bad but, when it's flooding, i put both of my hands into the bucket and without trying to hurt the roots, i move the plants back into the center of the pots because their leaves end up overlapping each other and as you know with LEDS light penetration is poor in a situation like this.

The other thing is, it's been almost 2 months since germination.

24/7 LEDs have always been on, and i have changed the flood and drain system to flood for 30 minutes every 3 hours instead of only for 3 minutes. This has been altered only in the last 2 weeks.

I would just like to know what to do. I need some advice because it looks like at this rate, ill be veging until jan and i want to switch to flowering asap.

Then again this is a first grow, so i would like to know what you think.

I have taken a few pics, so it gives you an idea of were i stand.

The one on the left is 12 inches tall and the one on the right is about 8-9.

Upon touching the stems you can small the fragrance of super haze, it smells so good you don't really want to stop smelling it. It's kinda fruity and exotic, i've never smelt anything so good.

Sorry about the picture quality, it's only a 3M pixel phone, for future reference, i'll try to get a digital cam. Then again i would have never had thought i'd be posting here.

These are previous to most recent - i can't fit them all in so i will reply to my own post and show you the rest i took today

