I need help quitting

I need help quittng this herbal incense shit. This shit is like fucking crack , it be calling me and shit. I need help quitting but i cant go to rehab.


Ursus marijanus
If If following Jesus' (of Cannabis) words won't quite do, you might try Narcotics Anonymous. They can probably assist you in focusing the necessary sustained act of will. cn


Ursus marijanus
I can offer two bits of hard-won advice.
1) If you don't buy any more, you're OK. (Assuming no friends offer you some.)
2) The only thing that really matters is what you do with the next five minutes.


Prayer will help. Got any goals? Focus on them. Get your friends' and family's help. And make sure you have your priorities straight. If you're not being drug tested, get yourself some weed! Best medicine around!


Well-Known Member
use the real stuff.. Get a hobby and stay busy... Its when your bored that urges and habits get the best of ya.. just stay busy till your body stops needing/wanting it. Good Luck!