I need Help!!!!!

Ok my plants r almost 4wks into flowerin and I haven't seen it bud out yet it just growin seeds(male plant), nutes r Advance Nutrient bloom and big bud, what's goin on? I need help!!


Well-Known Member
so you have a male plant and you are waiting to see buds??

males dont produce buds... so you'll be waiting a long long time for them...

if you want to see flowers you need to get a female plant...


Well-Known Member
I dont understand i think what you are seeing is the poline sacs i think the seeds are made in the buds any pics


Well-Known Member
you should take a picture...are you sure you have a female plant...yes you are wasteing time growing the male unless you want to do something else with it besides smoke...


Well-Known Member
females produce flowers

males produce pollen sacs

the pollen sacs from the males bust open and spread pollen to the females flowers pollinating them and causing flower growth...

if there are no males present then the female will just continue to grow the flowers out larger until harvest time...

so long story short.. yes.. you are wasting your time growing males....