I need more lighting, would MH work for now?


Well-Known Member
So I'm currently running a 1000 watt hps and 400 watt hps, I have a few 400 watt mh's I can get cheap and a few laying around, would it harm them to put them in the flowering room, I was only vegging with them but if it would help increase buds, by adding the lighting I will add 2-4 more 400 watt mh's over about <20 plants.

Please give me cons/pros if you know any.

Also my HPS 1000 watt blew and didn't have any light so I stuck in a 1000 watt MH for 2-3 days do you think that would slow the growth or any harm to the plants? I figured it was better then complete darkness.

stockup on everything because you never expect any of that..


Well-Known Member
the more light the better. MH is fine during flowering. its better to have a full spectrum of light anyway rather than just one colour temp. there are people that only use MH or HPS full cycle, no switch at all. hps can make your plants stretchy during veg so that the only downside.


Well-Known Member
Great that's all I wanted to know I figured ANY light was better, and some isn't as good as other in certain stages like you said, but I've got a few MH 400 watt dome's I'm going to use until I can get 1-2 more 1000 watt's, I wonder if the MH produces any different colors in the buds or makes them more potent?