I need some experienced smokers to help me decide


I cant decide what i want to grow next. Im thinking chemdog just because ive never had it but hear good things. im also considering some white rhino or widow and maybe some kinda purp. any suggestions or favs i should look into?

fat sam

Well-Known Member
my favorite at the moment is this sour diesel i am on my secong crop with... very strong stone, smelly as all hell and a heavy yielder somewhat.... however it is a long flowering strain... the chemdog looks great also... a friend on mine did a batch of that sometime ago and it was killer


Well-Known Member

Gameface what kind of high/stone do you want? What do you have in your garden? What have you grown before, and how did you like it?




i want more of a strong body high. ive got 3 plants right now. all baggie seeds. 2 of them were from a bag of arizonas finest i got for my birthday and one was just pulled out of a bag of mid-range reggie. i dont know what ive grown before. i always just took whatever seeds i could find and grow them in the backyard. this is my first indoor setup and i didnt want to invest in good seed until i knew what i was doing. my outdoor weed was always good but the harvest was a little small.


Well-Known Member

Gameface I've got Rez's Killer Chemdog in flower but I don't know much about the effects, I can't advise on that one.


"strong body high"


Endless Sky - Dr Greenthumb: super potent indica stone; 6 week flower; 500 g/m2



Medicine Man - Mr Nice: Very potent strain often favoured by medicinal cannabis patients



You could look at a sedative strain from Subcool, get some interesting flavor and color. Chernobyl, Querkel, Deep Purple, Dairy Queen, The Flav - you can go from all day head stash to narcotic bliss. From mango to grape.



You might like White Russian by Serious Seeds; very potent but more of a head stone than body stone.


