I Need Surgery...


Active Member
Found out I have to get surgery for my torn ACL today. Anybody have such a thing? was it bad? I'm not really worried, just wanted to see what you guys thought..

I love you all :) :hump:


Well-Known Member
Ive had it , the 2 weeks after the op, you will experience excruciating burning pain in the shin area, you foot will blow up like football.Get some good dope before.:sad:


Active Member
cousin had that done about a year ago, wont ever be exactly the same again but as long as everything goes fine you will be alright, i busted my right leg up pretty bad back in 2008 in a car accident and i can feel when its gonna rain now lol


Well-Known Member
cousin had that done about a year ago, wont ever be exactly the same again but as long as everything goes fine you will be alright, i busted my right leg up pretty bad back in 2008 in a car accident and i can feel when its gonna rain now lol
That's the truth. A friend had it done, and tried playing basketball a month later with us. Needless to say, he went right back to the doctors. Good luck though!


Active Member
thanks guys i really do appreciate it :) i've heard some stories of how people wish they never even got the surgery... i just hope i dont end up telling the same one.


Well-Known Member
to the guy who's friend tried to play a month after a torn ACL operation: your friend is STUPID.

proper rehab for a torn ACL, depending on your individual circumstances, lasts 6-7 months - 2yrs.

rehab only hurts if you're doing it right!!! lol...


Well-Known Member
I haven't had it but i am sure you will get through it fine and feel better afterwards. everyone hears horror stories but bad results are not common. don't stress. gooduck to you :)


Active Member
i had the surgery about 2 yrs ago but i also had a torn meniscus as well and i am completly fine today still play sports run its like it didnt even happen im glad i had it but im not sure if you tore your acl in half like me or just a tear make sure you do rehab for 6 months and follow everything they say and youll be fine plus when they did mine they gave me about 100-150 hydrocodones plus muscle relaxers. my last bit of advice take the pain meds like it says to every 4-6 hours for me even if it doesnt hurt. for the first few days because if you dont it will creep up on you and be the worst pain you have ever had in your life.


Active Member
acl is just such a sensitive thing to have surgery on , but even after my leg got pretty fucked up i still do everything that i used to, and that leg is actually stronger then it used to be now


Active Member
I had knee surgery in 2009. My medial meniscus was torn and my lateral meniscus was chaffing. ACL partially torn, MCL pretty damn close to tearing, as well as a fracture in my cartilage. Main focus for me afterwards was sticking to your rehab to make sure your range of motion isn't worsened. Make sure to listen to your knee/body, it knows what's best. Good luck! I still have most of my percocet and morphine pills as well, some people need the pain killers and some dont.


Well-Known Member
it is a very serious injury and you should get it done asap! If you even let it go by for a few days, you are asking for a bad infection and prolonged recovery. Make sure to get a really good physical therapy facility that will pay attention to you and not the money you will be giving them! Ask a lot of questions, where they went to school, how they plan on rehabilitating your knee etc... It will take you a full 1 to 2 years to fully recover from this injury, given that you will not have any complications along the way, ie., infections or re injury...

A lot of times people get back to quick into the thick of things and re injure themselves. Take your time and keep a positive attitude. Several studies have shown that when an athlete with the same injury as you kept positive thoughts in their heads compared to non positive thinking in others, they concluded that positive thoughts do indeed improve recovery time.. this has to be reinforced by your immediately family as well...

ANy more questions about things you might want to know about, dont hesitate to ask

oh, and was a 3rd degree strain?

Found out I have to get surgery for my torn ACL today. Anybody have such a thing? was it bad? I'm not really worried, just wanted to see what you guys thought..

I love you all :) :hump: