I need to flower secretly. Roommate steals weed!


Well-Known Member
So, me and my roommate have been together a while and he knows i grow and smoke. If i harvest i plan on giving him half the yield for half the risk. But, i do all the work. I have one really good White Widow clone that's been vegging for a while.
The only problem is when the weed starts flowering he starts to pick the flowers off. I need to secretly grow some clones, maybe straight into 12/12. I was thinking of a pc case or something. What do you guys think would be a good>

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
I think a Good baseball bat acrossed his forehead, with a warning that if he touches your plants again, you will give he 10 wacks to the head.

DR growgood

Well-Known Member
ya lock ur shit up and find a new roomate how is he taking amy risk anyway as soon as u get caught hes gonna say it was urs and he didnt know


Well-Known Member
yea you gotta be careful, whem my friend grew with another guy he was cool with, that guy changed and started acting shady over some plants thinkin my homie was gonna give him barely anything and all he did was have the plants in his room, and now were not cool anymore with that other fool, it was pretty dumb, you gotta choose your friends closely, sometimes the ones you never think would, stab you in your bacc


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't be growing with a room mate that steals and you know that he does, Move out if you can, I know that's not so easy. But remember the old adage, Fuck me once, shame on you, fuck me twice shame on me. So just by you knowing he steals you know your gonna get heart broke when he jacks your shit. Don't trust him one bit. If a thief wants something he will get it, no matter what locks you have. I just wouldn't grow as long as he lives there period.


dude you fucked up. you're lack of testicles has put you into an indentured servant situation. you will forever be that guys weed bitch. if you ask him to leave or piss him off now he's gonna rat you out. congrats!


Well-Known Member
It's in a closet that has a folding, non-locking door. I told him to back off but i'm gone in the day and he could take whatever he wanted.


Well-Known Member
When he steals from you a swift right hook to the jaw will maybe jar some sence into him ..or you need to pick your friends a little better


Well-Known Member
sorry for you bad luck, i wouldn't try to screw even though he deserves it because he could turn on you quick and you will be one that being hauled away in pretty metal bracelets. Best thing you can do is try to explain to him how he is not only screwing you but also himself, ever time he picks a bud off early you lose all the pot that would have grown in that spot if you left it alone meaning he is getting a lot less in the end because he pulling off preme buds.