I nutrient burned my plants the first day of bloom and need help fixing it!!!!!!!!!!


Active Member
I burned my plants the first day of bloom with to much koolbloom in my ebb n grow hydro set up I noticed the first day and flushed it out for a couple of hours with flora kleen and then went back to my regular fertilizer and it seems to be still showwing some burned crisp leaves and it has been a week or more. so I fushed it one more time and I lowered the nutrients back. any idea how long it will take to look any better and being the first week of bloom I hope it will snap out of it. any good tips on how to fix this? sorry no pictures my camera is broke


Active Member
i grow soil, but i know that the leaves that are already burnt are gonna stay that way. dont feed at all for a while, until the new growth starts looking normal. then start feeding as if you were just starting with seedlings. increase the amount as your plants TELL YOU they are hungry