I Planted Seed found in Skunky type indica weed bag!



I'm new here....

Right ...I'm currently living in Spain and I got some weed off my guy in Sunny Benidorm!!! :leaf::joint:;)
It was good bud (6.5/10) it was a nice body high Indica with a skunky smell...with a little pineapple hit to it
when smoked.

Now the Bud itself wasn't anything amazing, but in my experience around here their is minimum curing time so I'm sure it's not at it's full potential.

So I found a single seed in the bag!....I'm no nube when it comes to cannabis.. I've smoked my fair share! But I've never grown weed in my life! So as per usual I toss it into whatever dirt was around me. In this case it was a plant pot on my terrace...I stuck it in and didn't think about it.

Haha..you know what's coming ...
So... a week later I'm out smoking a fat one and I notice these little stem and a pair of round leaves.


been nearly 6 weeks and to me it looks real healthy. I'm not sure about the size but it looks green and it's growing.

The problem is...... It's december now! It's still sunny..... I've been getting well over 5 hours of strong direct sunlight then house lights till midnight in order to keep it from flowering?! BUT!!! there are little white pistons coming out of multiple bud sites.

I did some research and it looks like its pre-flowering? I'm not totally sure to be honest.

So If anyone could help me out here id really appreciate it....guess what i really want to know is if everything is normal?

Why is their multiple bud sites with white hairs coming out, the plants so small?

Also, I've repotted it with dark soil from a big bag in spanish lol. Looks like bulk standard black soil? Sorry I'm not sure. its in a tiny little pot as i read that the large plant the put was in was bad, as firstly it was with another mature house plant thing, and secondly that the pot would have exhausted the roots system of the plant as it was so big.

Any help would be appreciated or if their are any other people with bag seed exp..

Thanks again



well well..i had "high' hopes for this site...yet not one actual cannabis growing related answer insight!! hahahah..... so in conclusion..my photo sucks and i need a new one...great thanks guys that was worth the 5 min sign up

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
well well..i had "high' hopes for this site...yet not one actual cannabis growing related answer insight!! hahahah..... so in conclusion..my photo sucks and i need a new one...great thanks guys that was worth the 5 min sign up
What do you want to know?


Right so i randomly found some root growth hormone thing ..(1 naphthylacetic acid) i checked it out online and works apparently..

Because you know how we nubes do it

just need to know what plant it is i guess...could be an auto flowering one and just showing its sex early??? helpppp

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
Right so i randomly found some root growth hormone thing ..(1 naphthylacetic acid) i checked it out online and works apparently..

Because you know how we nubes do it

just need to know what plant it is i guess...could be an auto flowering one and just showing its sex early??? helpppp
How would I know what type of plant you found in a random bag you bought off of a drug dealer? It could definitely be an auto flower your guess is as good as mine.

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
Looks like it's flowering or trying to, 6 weeks isn't a young plant. It's mature enough to flower. If it's 6 weeks old it's not a auto.