I really need helpp!!


Well-Known Member
Did you give it a good drink of water after repotting? Try misting it also. Mist at least a couple/three times a day..should be fine.


Active Member
Not on purpose i was trying to transplant it without da soil falling apart and that diddnt work so my roots broke of as i tryed to transplant the plant

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Wen i transplanted it i cut many roots would that be part of the problem
Why in the world would you cut the roots???

update: Oh never mind. I saw your answer. It's going to stop growth for a while until the roots build back up but it won't die. Just don't do anything stupid like overcompensating by watering too much or over fertilizing. You might want to add a little rooting compound (like you use to promote root growth for clones) in your next watering. Just to be on the safe side.