I really want to try outdoors.. but


I honestly don't think that they would make it outdoors, The hottest it will get here is 100(38C) average is.. 77(25C) during the day, at night it gets down to 45-50(7-10C) It will also rain for days on end sometimes. I really don't know what to do. There is only one way to really find out I guess..

I just don't want to just put plants out and have them utterly destroyed by the weather. Thoughts anyone?

Da Mann

Well-Known Member
The summer temps here are as hi as 110 and lows about 50. Close to 100 all summer.No rain in summer much. If wind is not bad put a tent over them when it rains when buds form.


Well-Known Member
Sounds like the northeast....

I don't see why you couldn't grow in those conditions. People do it all the time, with success I might add.

As long as you protect them as seedlings they should be fine.


Active Member
I grow outdoors in alberta.
I check them every two weeks. Spray with neem as needed. Its a this eats that insect/animal outdoors, lol.
I'm by a swamp so no watering. I put wire fencing around dis year, rabbits deer an moose.
I do what I can. Happily.
Trying autos dis year too, short season an all.


@doublejj, I checked out your carport threads, I really like the idea of the carport but shudder thinking of building that with metal poles and nice big wind catching walls, I wouldn't expect that to last more than a few weeks out here.

@Hubey, I'll probably pick up some wire fence as well seeing as that we have well... Everything. Black bears,gizzly bears,elk,deer,moose,rabbits.. Everything I live in a forest way away from everyone and everything(kinda)No cell reception out here, hardly even have internet it's brought in through satellite. 600,000sqft of land I own to play on=)

@DaMann, I was thinking of maybe trying to put a large tarp above them attached to singular poles put into the ground in a square around the spot, So for an example say all my plants fit in a 20x20 area, make the poles cover a 40x40 area with the tarp put up. 1 pole on each corner of the tarp holding it up, Maybe attach some of that rope stuff people use for clothes lines from pole to pole so you can just pull it across to the other side effectively covering all your plants by a good margin.


Well-Known Member
My plants are in a fairly protected area, but I've seen them withstand 50 MPH winds with almost no damage. If you decide to try outdoors, see if you can use a natural windbreak upwind in the direction of prevailing winds. I strengthen my plants by giving them a good soak every couple of day. The stems bend over from the added weight but stand back up as the water evaporates. This process hardens and strengthens the stems. Putting a remesh cage around each one can provide a a lot of support as well. LSTing low to the ground will help as well.