I started my crop in bloom


New Member
Dumb mistake but I didn’t realize that my light was set to 12/12 until the 6-8” plants starting blooming. It was kinda nice because I was able to sex them easily, but I’m concerned that over stunted them. I moved them to 18/6 almost a month ago...and growth has been....well.....slow. Throw in the towel, or wait it out!?
When you change the photoperiod from flower back to veg, The plants will re-veg which takes awhile..
They will start throwing single un-serrated leaves before they start normal growth again.. Some growers do this on purpose.. Check out Monster cropping.. I would give it time..
How long have you been in flower for? If it was caught right away. It will not even skip a beat. I pre flower all the time when using regs
Thank you. They are 10-12”....but new growth has been slow. I’m goi g to let em ride, but was concerned about being stunted