I Suspect Someone has been back To My Plants...WHAT TO DO?!!

Dr. Greenthum

Well-Known Member
Like I said i think someone has been back there but iam not 100% sure....It looks like four wheeler trails around 20 feet from my baby's, there is 10 back there...and they are in there 3rd week of flowering....moving them is not a choice..(I dont want stress on them and i have no where to move them!) Any Ideas to tell? i was thinking about putting up a string or sticks to try and tell if someone other than me was back there?! HELP!


Well-Known Member
Yes tie fishing line its almost invisible. I. Hope you are just lucky and these atv guys just passed by. Tie this string 360 degrees around the entire perimeter. I'm sure you will be fine.

Dr. Greenthum

Well-Known Member
ok...thank you...hopefully they are right...i topped the plants a month ago...so they are not really tall just bushy!


Well-Known Member
dig a big hole trap and make a atv jump over it so when they try to hit the jump they fall into the hole.jk dont i broke my arm from a atv accident.


spend the night back there and get some bear scare bombs.light one of those bitches off when you hear anybody and watch the fun.thats what i do.or get a good dog.I have a black lab and nothing moves out there that he doesnt get after it.
Yea but dont be a dumb ass and let that camera snap your pic on your way to your grow..if leo finds that camera next to a grow you bet they will be tracking down whoever was unlucky enough to get there picture taken


Well-Known Member
Yea but dont be a dumb ass and let that camera snap your pic on your way to your grow..if leo finds that camera next to a grow you bet they will be tracking down whoever was unlucky enough to get there picture taken
I was looking for deers? :)


Well-Known Member
costco has motion activated cameras that are wireless and record only when motion is detected so if they do go missing you might be able to read a plate on the atv or know who it is. 9 time out of 10 its someone you know

Kaptain Kron

Well-Known Member
so many of these replies are childish and dangerous, i ride bikes, and atv's i've stumbled across patches before, thats when you ride away nice and slow and dont look back and dont come back til the season is over out of respect. Fishing line is one thing, but piano wire is another, i've had friends severly hurt by green communists like that that go and read the green peace war book and decide to throw out nails and piano wire and some poor shlub is out havin some fun doesnt know hes near your patch and he gets decapitated by a piano wire set at head level.... worse is when your actually on OHV land where your allowed to ride and go out and have fun and theres people ILLEAGALLY going out on government land and setting traps for the exact people that the land is designated for their use. you really want that guy and have that on your consience over some stupid ass plants? I really dont think so. Put fishing line out like a screen all around your plants about 15-20 feet out go from the ground to about chest level worst that happens is some lacerations if your using real strong line no decapitations no loss of life or limb and you know if s1 has been in your shit. Then you just wait with a dog and a shotgun and find out who the fuck it is.

Nail punji sticks and holes of death are a very bad idea and its why so many of us that grow low key in the hills get into trouble is because of idiots like that rigging their grow area.