I t hink this is a fertilizer prob and am just stuck


Active Member
anyone who can advise... this is my first time (blush) and i'm stuck. things were moving along and now the older leaves on the bottom are all sort of falling and hanging down. some are dying. is this a fertilizer problem and if so, what do i add and do you have any brand names i could find? :-?

Farm Friend

Well-Known Member
Do you have any pictures? That will help a ton in diagnosing your problem. How old are they? Growing medium? Lights? Etc..... I am pretty new, but I have learned a lot on the way. The more info you give, the better responses you get. If you can, post some pictures, if not give some more info and that will help figure out the problem.


Well-Known Member
Pictures will help also more information IE soil, PH of soil and water, what water...


Active Member
sorry - i put this up before i figured out how to upload pics.

i'm using flourescents for now as i don't have the know how to wire stuff and am so broke to spend hundreds on stand alone lights that would be better. ph is between 6.5 and 7. water is distilled bought from the store.



Well-Known Member
those are super stretched, most of that i would think is from not enough light or over watering from the looks of it. try tying them down horizontally and get the floro's as close as possible up to about 1inch.

Farm Friend

Well-Known Member
Hey Prelude818. Have they been fed? I am a newbie but the droopy leaves could be a sign of over watering or possibly root bound. It was hard to tell, but are hte leaved yellowing? This could be a sign of Nitrogen deficiency. I don't know if this helps, but these have been the problems that I have encountered. As far as lights, a lot of people on here have great success with florescent lights. If you have not already, check out some of the floro grows.


Active Member
Looks like overwatering due to the drooping, and there might well be excess nitrogen looking at the fairly dark leaves.. whether or not it has too much nitrogen it doesnt look like it would need anymore.


Active Member
Many thanks to all. I can't say for sure on any of the items you mentioned - the tops of the plants are maybe a few inches (2 - 4) from the lights so I can't really get them any lower. I also have a light hung down on the side to give a bit more light.

The fertilizer thing was making me nuts - but I think... it might be heat stress. What can I say - I put the plants in the laundry room because there's a fan that can stay on 24/7 and a door that closes. I just decided to move them inside the house (laundry room is in the garage) in a closet in my bedroom. Much cooler temps so hopefully that will do the trick.

Awesome to have people there to help - thanks so much.