I think I did something wrong


New Member
Useing distilled water
6500k cfl
started in rock wool
no nutes
temps been steady at about 74 f
water roughly every other day
about 6in away from light
has a fan on it
about a week old
I wanted to know why the leaves are drooping or if it was natural
lm pretty sure I over watered it
just wanted to know how I monitor it and fix my over loved plant lol



Well-Known Member
2 things to keep in mind, plants show the same sign when they're over watered and under watered and thats the drooping effect like the one in your pic. But if you know you watered them and there drooping then obviously the little plant is over watered. Keep in mind that soil stay moist for quite sometime so don't keep watering the seedlings because it will only suffocate it. Let it dry so the roots could search for water. Buy your self a moister meter it will help a lot. But in the meantime put a little fan over it so it could help dry out some of that soil. And make sure the plant receives a good amount of oxygen. Take it outside to get fresh air for about 5 mins or talk to the little seedling. Hey thats what I do. But put a fan on it....overall its looking good keep it up. :joint: