i think i like interupted germination

mauler 26

im extremely new so the last thing i need is someone being negative so i had put them in this cup for 2 or 3 days then out of the 5 i had 2 were good i seen the area were the root was to soon be coming out then i had to take it out of the water and transfer it with the paper towel method and neither of them rooted within the time i used the paper towels and then i put them in a baggy and which was stupid and then i put them in soil will 1 grow or die


Well-Known Member
sounds like you are making it harder than it is. that is ok LoL . try again they're just seeds.

try moist, not soaking paper towel. leave in the dark for a couple days. in a cupboard whatever.

then as long as the seeds have popped open they can go into the dirt.

very gently get the seed into a 1/4 inch deep hole in the dirt, and LIGHTLY cover. moisten with a spray bottle and wait a couple days. keeping it moist but not soaked. overwatering is your enemy. at this point I like to have mine under the light. and there ya go.


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Staff member
im extremely new so the last thing i need is someone being negative so i had put them in this cup for 2 or 3 days then out of the 5 i had 2 were good i seen the area were the root was to soon be coming out then i had to take it out of the water and transfer it with the paper towel method and neither of them rooted within the time i used the paper towels and then i put them in a baggy and which was stupid and then i put them in soil will 1 grow or die
I put the seed directly into Sunshine Mix #4 Advanced and sat it in a small Jiffy Greenhouse and watered it with tap water. I sat it on top of my large T5. My Ketama is up now and I just put her under my T5 that's over the cloner. Today is the third day. Now I'm waiting on my WallyDuck Ducksfoot to emerge.


Well-Known Member
"i think i like interupted germination" - that makes one of us. That said, you're over-complicating it as mcnuggins mentioned.. just need damp paper towel until taproot is exposed.. gently place it into a -very- shallow hole (normal depth vs seed size) and then wait patiently - you don't need hocus pocus, any form of black magic, or a lightning rod with a jacobs ladder.. I promise. :)


Well-Known Member
im extremely new so the last thing i need is someone being negative so i had put them in this cup for 2 or 3 days then out of the 5 i had 2 were good i seen the area were the root was to soon be coming out then i had to take it out of the water and transfer it with the paper towel method and neither of them rooted within the time i used the paper towels and then i put them in a baggy and which was stupid and then i put them in soil will 1 grow or die
Punctuation. . .ever heard of it?

If I understand this "question" correctly, you're asking if your not optimally handled seedlings will live or die.

Answer is, I have no idea, but they're not off to a good start. The just-germinated stage is the most fragile one of the entire plants life and requires the most care.

See above for some very simple and reliable ways to germinate ceeds.

My favorite method is:

-Fill beverage cup with good potting mix, packed loosely.
-Place ceed into shallow indentation on top then cover lightly with soil
-Mist with water
-Cover cup with plastic wrap so it doesn't try out (you can use a sandwich baggie)
-Place in warm place and wait. . .


Well-Known Member
Skip the towel bro...if your running soil pop em straight in the dirt (pointy end down) if you get worried try rapid rooter plugs..keep moist, in the dark til seeds pop up, voila!
Beginners don't have very good success with paper towel... Jm2cw...