I think I need some help!

Hello, I have explored the sticky entitled "read this first" but i"m not sure what my plants problems are.

It looks like it could be too much potassium or two little sulfur, but honestly I have no clue and I was hoping you guys could help me out.

They looked perfectly fine yesterday, and I just recently transfered them from smaller pots to the big tank I have going on right now.

Thanks in advance for all your advice, what's wrong with my plants?! :wall:


Sure Shot

Well-Known Member
Just give them some water now at Ph 6.5 or close as you can get.
Don't water again until your pot feels sorta light but don't let it get "bone-dry".
Well I've watered them and given them some air. They are looking much better, not nearly as droopy as before, but still yellow leaves. I have a feeling the color will come back in a few days, but I'll keep you guys posted. Thanks to everyone for giving me such quick and thorough responses :)