I think it may be ph inbalance...


I'm sorry, I know i need pics and I will produce them. Any way, They have blackened necrotic areas in the middle of some leaves and the rest of the plant is yellow and stunted. I've gotten 1 cm growth in the last week. I've stopped nutrients under the assumption that a ph imb. is causing the nutrients to bind up. All the symptoms appeared shortly after transplanting.
They get nothing but water now (except the third, hes goin like a champ... err, hopefully she), They are in an organic soil that claims to need no food for a month (I think it was like 6-5-3). 2x 1400 Lu 65k CFL bulbs each. They get watered when I stick my finger about 3" down and its dry, which is about every other day for the plants in question. They are about 6-8" high.