I think my seeds disappeared...?


With a constant 60% humidity and a temperature of 75-78 fahrenheit its been three days and my seeds haven't sprouted. I then thought to try and check on my seeds and I carefully and slowly dug up bit by bit of where i left the seed i didn't even put the seed that deep and i can't even find the seed! I haven't watered since I put them in and i checked my other 4 solo cups and i couldn't find seeds where i placed them either??? I know i didn't bury them deep at all i just lightly covered them with the surrounding root organics soil.


Well-Known Member
Does it look like there has been any small rodent digging? I've had a mouse eat my seeds and sprouts before when growing in soil. Chances are you just pushed them farther down in the soil when digging them up or something like that. You should just be patient and wait until you absolutely know they aren't going to. Three days sounds like your being a little impatient.


Yeah I am a little impatient lol but that doesn't make sense that I couldn't at least find the seed it's not like i moved the soil a lot it was real careful and i'm doing an indoor grow and the only person that lives here is me...


Well-Known Member
thats happened to me before after about 10 days or so..and you just cant fucking find them..but yeah 3 days is a little impatient..i like to germ first so i know its sprouted.


Well-Known Member
Thats why I like to germinate using paper towel method. Keeps me from doing something stupid like digging up a baby sprout.


Well-Known Member
I got impatient as well with my first grow.. ended up killing a Cheese and a Super Cali Haze Auto digging for seeds... germ out of soil, plant into damp soil(or whatever your medium is), wait 10-15 days before you even THINK about digging, then wait a few more. With mine I had buried them too deep so it took awhile to break ground, the other 2 I had planted came up at about 10-12 days... so yes growing takes patience....you think it's bad now wait till the last couple weeks of flower... can I cut it now?...no?...how bout now?...no?...wait a few more days....now?...how bout now?... they look so frosty how about now?...no? wait some more.


I got impatient as well with my first grow.. ended up killing a Cheese and a Super Cali Haze Auto digging for seeds... germ out of soil, plant into damp soil(or whatever your medium is), wait 10-15 days before you even THINK about digging, then wait a few more. With mine I had buried them too deep so it took awhile to break ground, the other 2 I had planted came up at about 10-12 days... so yes growing takes patience....you think it's bad now wait till the last couple weeks of flower... can I cut it now?...no?...how bout now?...no?...wait a few more days....now?...how bout now?... they look so frosty how about now?...no? wait some more.

Thanks guys. My patience has been restored for now lol.


Active Member
Mine have dissapeared aswell with no signs of a rodant digging for them its been over 12 days nothing over 50 seeds I dug for 7 and found nothing I so confused and will wait a bit longer.


Active Member
I plant a seed once and the ants took it...they just got into my pot and dug it up...

But yeah..wait a bit..im waiting too for like 4 days...patience...



New Member
Same thing happened to me. It's my first time whit autoflowers, after 5 days I got a little impatient about the seed not coming out so I digged and it was just, gone. This post really helped me to know the multiple things I did wrong. Thanks.