I took WAY too much M1/methylone/MDMA analog, need advice


New Member
You only need to read the first paragraph in order to help me though everything else gives you relevant information.

The problem: Starting seven hours ago for a period of about 3.5 hours, I snorted somewhere between .4 to .75 of a gram, most likely .5-ish butg possibly more, of what I think is M1 (methylone). I feel mostly fine except I'm a little shaky, almost but not quite dizzy, and my head feels sort of thick, like the start of a tension headache. I feel a little sweaty but I've taken my temperature multiple times with three different thermometers and it's been between 97 and 97.6. My heart isn't pounding and my pulse appears to be normal. The shakiness is very likely from anxiety because it didn't start until I realized how dangerous this much can be. I don't want to take up an ER bed unless I absolutely have to because of COVID-19 (explained in next paragraph).

Can you help me? I can't find much info about M1 except from addiction sites that basically say "you can die so don't do it and you need our help, you drug addict." So I'm addressing the dangers from MDMA and figure they're similar because if this is M1, it's a research chemical based on it. Considering I get a migraine from true MDMA and I have a mild cold, this not quite headache doesn't feel like a big deal. But many sites say that it can take up to 60 hours to feel the effects of overdosing on molly. If this mild discomfort is brain swelling and it's just taking a long time... I don't want to die but I'd feel both dumb and evil going to a hospital without any real symptoms (not to mention embarrassed) because I live in a city that's had more people diagnosed with and more deaths from the corona virus than anywhere else in the US and hospitals here are already feeling the strain. As a result of that and because of my cold which has weakened my immune system, it would also greatly increase my risk of contracting COVID-19 which more importantly would then increase the risk to my family and other people I come in contact with.

What I've done so far: Since over-hydration is what kills you, I stopped drinking anything. I've only had maybe 2-3 ounces of Vitamin Water since I started using the drug. I took a spoonful of table salt a couple of hours ago since the salt loss is what the big problem with over-hydration is. Because of the dangers of seratonin syndrome, I'm not taking my antidepressants tonight. I'm not going to bed any time soon and I don't have to go anywhere today so I'll keep monitoring my vitals for several more hours.

What should I do? Am I better off not drinking anything today or should I at least drink the rest of this bottle of Vitamin Water for the electrolytes? Consume more pure salt? Just eat salty foods? Should I even eat at all? How long should I stay up? I could probably stay up another 24 hours if I push it but it's not the best idea given that and my immune system is weakened from my cold.

Does anyone know if this is actually M1? This site is the only place I've found that refers to something that looks like pink moon rocks as being methylone. If anyone thinks it's something else, please let me know because that would affect how I deal with this.

Hopefully someone reads this before I'm dead. :)

Thank you!!

(If you want more information on why I did such an idiotic thing, read my next post.)
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This isn't information necessary to help me but if you want to know why I took such a large amount and don't know how much nor even for sure what drug it is as if I were new to drugs or an idiot, read on:

Originally we were told by the person selling this pink stuff that it was molly. Other people agreed because it looks and feels like molly but someone in the know determined it was M1 and deemed it dangerous because it was a research chemical. We'd done it several times already so we weren't worried and kept using it even though we believed her. But most websites describe M1, methylone, and molly as being many other colors depending on purity but not pink. This forum is the only place I found someone describing something they thought looked like pink moon rocks that they were told were MDMA but that they later figured out was M1 aka methylone. What the person describes is exactly what this stuff I took looks and acts like.

I've taken it in the past when I was pretty ignorant about drugs and people always made the lines for me. I have no idea how much was in each line but I enjoyed it although they had to give me a little more than they gave everyone else. It also didn't feel anything like what people claimed molly did for them even though we originally were told that's what it was. I didn't ask the others if it felt like MDMA for them because molly does nothing for me (see below) so it wouldn't really have helped.

So tonight I stupidly figured that if I wasn't experiencing anything and I was conscious of my temperature and water intake, I'd be fine to take more. At that point I thought I'd done well over a gram, possibly a gram and a half. But after searching the web and scaring myself half to death, I went and weighed what was left and came up with the above numbers. (I thought I had done all that I pulled out before hiding the rest which is why I thought I'd done so much but I'd forgotten I'd only crushed and snorted half and had set the rest aside.) The reason I don't know exactly how much is because I purchased a gram and a half but the guy didn't have a scale and told me it was probably closer to two grams. So I weighed it when I got home just to see if he was yanking my chain and was shocked to see it was more than two and a half grams. But I didn't note the exact number because I was relieved because I knew I had paid much more than I should for it. but it was a not-close friend who was selling it and I didn't feel I could call him out on it and I don't know where else to find this stuff. ) I quickly came online to check how to deal with an overdose, but there's a huge dearth of information on M1. Most sites claim it has a higher potency than MDMA, but here people say that the high is milder and that you keep feeling like you need more because the high wears off.

Back when I first did this stuff and was experimenting, most other drugs didn't work well if at all. I did amber MDMA a few times and 2-2.5 points did nothing except sometimes give me a migraine and make me feel like I was freezing to death when I was probably overheating. (Oddly it made me happy for the next couple of days so I tried microdosing it for a while but stopped when someone I love found out and freaked out.) MDA did nothing. I tried cocaine multiple times but it didn't do anything--even the 8 inch line I once did--except take away the eye-jiggles I sometimes got on pure oxycodone. I tried two types of mushrooms, LSD, and 2C-B (as well as 2C-B and LSD together) and I never got more than a kind of a buzzy sort of almost high. I had almost no visuals on what gave everybody else a fabulous trip. I did have an intense experience on another type of mushroom but still no visuals or much of a high. I don't know if it was the quantity or the type of shroom as it had been ground up because I was later told by the person that had given it to me to microdose with that the amount I took was supposed to be like ten doses, although the person had good reason to lie.

Ketamine is the only drug that worked for me really well without side effects (not even nausea!) although it took a little more than it took other people to get me high. On the other hand, I was extremely sensitive to and eventually developed horrible side effects from cannabis, which is incredibly unfortunate and aggravating. Also, until I built up a tolerance, I got high from only small doses of opiate pain relievers.

What is relevant about all this now is that the first time I tried LSD--which was before I tried any of the other drugs I've mentioned--a tab did absolutely nothing. The second time, 3 drops of liquid (which were most likely more than a hit each) also did nothing. But I was on the antidepressant duloxetine (Cymbalta) which I found out can interfere with LSD. So I went off of it to try LSD again in a vane attempt to find a better solution to reduce my depression and three tabs gave me the very mild experience mentioned above.

I did all the aforementioned drugs during that time when I wasn't on antidepressants. I theorized that drugs that affect seratonin levels in general don't work for me the way they work for other people (maybe because I've been on SRIs for most of the past 27 years) but for the most part, drugs that work differently are hit and miss.

Although I don't want to be, I am now back on an even higher dose of antidepressants because a really horrific trauma that left me grieving with severe PTSD resulted in me being hospitalized multiple times. I'm self-dosing ketamine because I can't afford the thousands of dollars it takes to get it legally administered as an antidepressant and it is the only thing that stops me from suicidal ideation. I'm staying on the anti-depressants for now because they are better than nothing and I can't always get ketamine. It still gets me high when I take enough (although in slightly higher doses than before because my tolerance has gone up) but it's really expensive even when obtained from somewhere other than a clinic or hospital and is almost impossible to find when my dealer is out. Alcohol makes me morose and suicidal. Oxycodone still gets me high but it's also expensive and it's hard to get and I'm always highly anxious the next day. I don't dare try mushrooms because the trauma I experienced and accompanying PTSD could result in me having a really bad trip. I haven't bothered to try anything else since they didn't work for me before and/or gave me bad side effects. But everyone I hang out with either drinks heavily and/or smokes or dabs marijuana, the lucky sods. So I want to get high sometimes to have fun with them.

The pink stuff had worked before when the other seratonin-affecting drugs didn't so I was sure it would work for me. It's the exact same stuff because I got it from the same source. I wasn't measuring it and figured I just hadn't taken enough. Then I thought maybe I'd just have to take more because of the duloxetine. I finally gave up when it occurred to me that just because I wasn't feeling anything didn't mean I wasn't overdosing. So I began searching the web and found nothing helpful which is why I'm posting here.

Thank you so much for reading this and any help you might be able to offer.
You only need to read the first paragraph in order to help me though everything else gives you relevant information.

The problem: Starting seven hours ago for a period of about 3.5 hours, I snorted somewhere between .4 to .75 of a gram, most likely .5-ish butg possibly more, of what I think is M1 (methylone). I feel mostly fine except I'm a little shaky, almost but not quite dizzy, and my head feels sort of thick, like the start of a tension headache. I feel a little sweaty but I've taken my temperature multiple times with three different thermometers and it's been between 97 and 97.6. My heart isn't pounding and my pulse appears to be normal. The shakiness is very likely from anxiety because it didn't start until I realized how dangerous this much can be. I don't want to take up an ER bed unless I absolutely have to because of COVID-19 (explained in next paragraph).

Can you help me? I can't find much info about M1 except from addiction sites that basically say "you can die so don't do it and you need our help, you drug addict." So I'm addressing the dangers from MDMA and figure they're similar because if this is M1, it's a research chemical based on it. Considering I get a migraine from true MDMA and I have a mild cold, this not quite headache doesn't feel like a big deal. But many sites say that it can take up to 60 hours to feel the effects of overdosing on molly. If this mild discomfort is brain swelling and it's just taking a long time... I don't want to die but I'd feel both dumb and evil going to a hospital without any real symptoms (not to mention embarrassed) because I live in a city that's had more people diagnosed with and more deaths from the corona virus than anywhere else in the US and hospitals here are already feeling the strain. As a result of that and because of my cold which has weakened my immune system, it would also greatly increase my risk of contracting COVID-19 which more importantly would then increase the risk to my family and other people I come in contact with.

What I've done so far: Since over-hydration is what kills you, I stopped drinking anything. I've only had maybe 2-3 ounces of Vitamin Water since I started using the drug. I took a spoonful of table salt a couple of hours ago since the salt loss is what the big problem with over-hydration is. Because of the dangers of seratonin syndrome, I'm not taking my antidepressants tonight. I'm not going to bed any time soon and I don't have to go anywhere today so I'll keep monitoring my vitals for several more hours.

What should I do? Am I better off not drinking anything today or should I at least drink the rest of this bottle of Vitamin Water for the electrolytes? Consume more pure salt? Just eat salty foods? Should I even eat at all? How long should I stay up? I could probably stay up another 24 hours if I push it but it's not the best idea given that and my immune system is weakened from my cold.

Does anyone know if this is actually M1? This site is the only place I've found that refers to something that looks like pink moon rocks as being methylone. If anyone thinks it's something else, please let me know because that would affect how I deal with this.

Hopefully someone reads this before I'm dead. :)

Thank you!!

(If you want more information on why I did such an idiotic thing, read my next post.)
Maybe it was pmma or had it cut into it, I’m pretty sure it slows your heart and makes you over heat
This isn't information necessary to help me but if you want to know why I took such a large amount and don't know how much nor even for sure what drug it is as if I were new to drugs or an idiot, read on:

Originally we were told by the person selling this pink stuff that it was molly. Other people agreed because it looks and feels like molly but someone in the know determined it was M1 and deemed it dangerous because it was a research chemical. We'd done it several times already so we weren't worried and kept using it even though we believed her. But most websites describe M1, methylone, and molly as being many other colors depending on purity but not pink. This forum is the only place I found someone describing something they thought looked like pink moon rocks that they were told were MDMA but that they later figured out was M1 aka methylone. What the person describes is exactly what this stuff I took looks and acts like.

I've taken it in the past when I was pretty ignorant about drugs and people always made the lines for me. I have no idea how much was in each line but I enjoyed it although they had to give me a little more than they gave everyone else. It also didn't feel anything like what people claimed molly did for them even though we originally were told that's what it was. I didn't ask the others if it felt like MDMA for them because molly does nothing for me (see below) so it wouldn't really have helped.

So tonight I stupidly figured that if I wasn't experiencing anything and I was conscious of my temperature and water intake, I'd be fine to take more. At that point I thought I'd done well over a gram, possibly a gram and a half. But after searching the web and scaring myself half to death, I went and weighed what was left and came up with the above numbers. (I thought I had done all that I pulled out before hiding the rest which is why I thought I'd done so much but I'd forgotten I'd only crushed and snorted half and had set the rest aside.) The reason I don't know exactly how much is because I purchased a gram and a half but the guy didn't have a scale and told me it was probably closer to two grams. So I weighed it when I got home just to see if he was yanking my chain and was shocked to see it was more than two and a half grams. But I didn't note the exact number because I was relieved because I knew I had paid much more than I should for it. but it was a not-close friend who was selling it and I didn't feel I could call him out on it and I don't know where else to find this stuff. ) I quickly came online to check how to deal with an overdose, but there's a huge dearth of information on M1. Most sites claim it has a higher potency than MDMA, but here people say that the high is milder and that you keep feeling like you need more because the high wears off.

Back when I first did this stuff and was experimenting, most other drugs didn't work well if at all. I did amber MDMA a few times and 2-2.5 points did nothing except sometimes give me a migraine and make me feel like I was freezing to death when I was probably overheating. (Oddly it made me happy for the next couple of days so I tried microdosing it for a while but stopped when someone I love found out and freaked out.) MDA did nothing. I tried cocaine multiple times but it didn't do anything--even the 8 inch line I once did--except take away the eye-jiggles I sometimes got on pure oxycodone. I tried two types of mushrooms, LSD, and 2C-B (as well as 2C-B and LSD together) and I never got more than a kind of a buzzy sort of almost high. I had almost no visuals on what gave everybody else a fabulous trip. I did have an intense experience on another type of mushroom but still no visuals or much of a high. I don't know if it was the quantity or the type of shroom as it had been ground up because I was later told by the person that had given it to me to microdose with that the amount I took was supposed to be like ten doses, although the person had good reason to lie.

Ketamine is the only drug that worked for me really well without side effects (not even nausea!) although it took a little more than it took other people to get me high. On the other hand, I was extremely sensitive to and eventually developed horrible side effects from cannabis, which is incredibly unfortunate and aggravating. Also, until I built up a tolerance, I got high from only small doses of opiate pain relievers.

What is relevant about all this now is that the first time I tried LSD--which was before I tried any of the other drugs I've mentioned--a tab did absolutely nothing. The second time, 3 drops of liquid (which were most likely more than a hit each) also did nothing. But I was on the antidepressant duloxetine (Cymbalta) which I found out can interfere with LSD. So I went off of it to try LSD again in a vane attempt to find a better solution to reduce my depression and three tabs gave me the very mild experience mentioned above.

I did all the aforementioned drugs during that time when I wasn't on antidepressants. I theorized that drugs that affect seratonin levels in general don't work for me the way they work for other people (maybe because I've been on SRIs for most of the past 27 years) but for the most part, drugs that work differently are hit and miss.

Although I don't want to be, I am now back on an even higher dose of antidepressants because a really horrific trauma that left me grieving with severe PTSD resulted in me being hospitalized multiple times. I'm self-dosing ketamine because I can't afford the thousands of dollars it takes to get it legally administered as an antidepressant and it is the only thing that stops me from suicidal ideation. I'm staying on the anti-depressants for now because they are better than nothing and I can't always get ketamine. It still gets me high when I take enough (although in slightly higher doses than before because my tolerance has gone up) but it's really expensive even when obtained from somewhere other than a clinic or hospital and is almost impossible to find when my dealer is out. Alcohol makes me morose and suicidal. Oxycodone still gets me high but it's also expensive and it's hard to get and I'm always highly anxious the next day. I don't dare try mushrooms because the trauma I experienced and accompanying PTSD could result in me having a really bad trip. I haven't bothered to try anything else since they didn't work for me before and/or gave me bad side effects. But everyone I hang out with either drinks heavily and/or smokes or dabs marijuana, the lucky sods. So I want to get high sometimes to have fun with them.

The pink stuff had worked before when the other seratonin-affecting drugs didn't so I was sure it would work for me. It's the exact same stuff because I got it from the same source. I wasn't measuring it and figured I just hadn't taken enough. Then I thought maybe I'd just have to take more because of the duloxetine. I finally gave up when it occurred to me that just because I wasn't feeling anything didn't mean I wasn't overdosing. So I began searching the web and found nothing helpful which is why I'm posting here.

Thank you so much for reading this and any help you might be able to offer.
If you have mental instability (no offence I have my own)
What the fuck are you doing taking the synthetic designer drugs? Because of my “hurdles” I deal with on a daily basis I would never even consider trying them,just because they mimic mdma or what ever we’ll never know the true long term affects to you lr receptors
Those drugs change the molecular make up so often so it’s not illegal, my advice if your cobditions are truly diagnosed your making yourself a huge
Hole to try to get out of eventually