I topped her once


Active Member
One of my family member use to top my plants when i was starting to grow. I would get upset with him so much till i saw the results.. i didnt understand what he was doing. It would make them shorter not always. Two main branches tho .he would just pinch the top it looked like he was killing my hard work. No he wasnt he was teaching a very valuable lesson for free when the internet was not known by me..i even seen 9 inch plant topped by a lawn mower which when i spotted it it was a beauty . Just like bonsai tree very woody stem and fresh leaves might been cut more than once i cut the yard back then . Never saw till a week after i just spotted it i pulled the plant it had to go it was in the front yard


Well-Known Member
Your picture shows why we FIM and top vegging plants. Now you will enjoy 3 or more top colas and a greatly increased yield. Good job. BigSteve.


Well-Known Member
I did a side-by-side experiment topped vs. not-topped.....the topped plant yielded about 50% than the non-topped. I now top everything I grow.