I wanna hear your storys about getting lost: heres mine!

Okay so yesterday I began my scouting for this year grow spots! little did I know the adventure that lay ahead of me, as I climbed to the lookout of a huge provincal park aka huge ass mountain. I went off trail near the top where I saw a stone on a random part of the path that reminded me of a baseball diamond. I knew this would be my first marker on where I would go from now. I had already been hiking alot under the sun carying lost of reeferman gear for 2 hours to reach this point. I then proceeded south switching into my soft footed runners so I wouldn't make trails, I figured I would head south over the top then down the other side till I found a discreet location. I noticed other things marking my way like clearings and small christmas trees. After about half an hour of hiking south I found a HUGE patch of poison ivy with dead logs and trees threw out. I busted out the reeferman gear and proceed crossing the logs without damaging surroundings. I began clearing out the middle with my shit ass shears which broke and my machette, while bumping tunes. I took a break drank one of my waters ate some trail mix, and after I had cleared out the area it was getting time to head home. I figured if I headed North and followed my notes I would hit the same trail. I had now been hiking North for 45 mins and had gotten no where, my legs were tired and so was I. I Knew I was lost, but knew if I headed north eventually I would find some trail winding down the side. This never happend! so for 2 hours I fell down the 70 degree steep ass cliff side till I hit the ocean, from this point I was f'ed now, it was begining to get dark so I was about to set up camp for the night and try to make my way in the morning. I was exausted with 1 water left no food, so I made a fire with shit damp ass wood and emergancy fire supplies. I could see houses in the distance around the bay I was on, decided I would prob freeze because its january and atleast if I made it to these houses I could call my girlfriend for help. So with 1 hour till it got dark I was like fuck camping here, so I began following dear trails along the ocean side for 45 minutes every step the houses got closer and my knees got weaker, my shins were bruised and I could barly walk. I then saw a huge sign and got so rejoiced! When I got to the sign I saw stairs and it showed me where I was, but it was still almost dark out. It was still half hour to the car from here uphill, I was out of water weak in the knees and climbing 1 foot stairs in the dark! Then out of know where lights came up behind me it was a guy and his wife hiking, I was so happy to see people I explained to them getting lost at the top taking pictures of the veiw, showed them on my camera. I told them heading back I was heading north and missed the trail. They saw I was in rough shape and were concerned, so she took my bag for me and we talked along the way back about me being a hobbiest hiker and where I liked to camp. "I had now had my exercise for the week" I told her and "I'm dehydrated as shit!" She gave me water when we got the the parking lot I said my thank yous and proceeded to pick my girlfriend up from work, which was in half an hour! I had gotten their just intime in rugged ass shape barly able to drive and she was like omg what happend. I told her " sighhh, I will tell you once I shower and feeling better from my 9 hour scouting trip that ass sucked. Moral of the story if your afraid to mark you paths mark them!!! and take them down on the way back out! and when you completely fucked animals know best and make nice paths! So follow your instincts and be safe prepair for the worst and stay alive! If ur interested I will be posting my first grow season soon!

Over grow pce :weed:
Quite an adventure you had! Yours was much worse than mine. Last summer I went on a solo hike/walk in a cross country ski area of a national park and turned a 2 hour walk into a 6 hour scramble. It's a horrible feeling to be lost in the woods alone when it's getting dark, and it happened to me in August, so I was thirsty scratched up, but not cold. You will never be nonchalant about following your feet again, AND it's not nearly as much fun to hike alone anymore.
I was not scouting or making a garden, however I did go down too steep of a mountain once, it had alot of crumbling rock everywhere. I sort of surfed the rocks down all the way down to a creek. I'm a diehard fisherman, I fished for a while...I kind of knew I was screwed, but didn't want to belive it....It was impossible to climb up, it was like big chunks of flat rock sliding everywhere, I even tried without all my gear like fuk it.....didn't get very far and kept sliding back down, it was too dangerous to go back the way I came.

I followed the creek for a few miles going down the mountain crack, there was not one flat spot anywhere!!!! I was in a freaking crack with water running thru it....It was spring snow melt, I found a pretty deep pool of water in the crack of the mountains and decided I would camp there as it was getting late. I had some snacks and silly me had brought no water just a canteen of redwine...lol

I drank most of the wine and fell asleep on a big rock, flatest thing I could find........I woke up in the morning and found a tick in my chest, after freaking out and ripping that sucker out I noticed a huge fish swiming in the deep pool of water.....I tried for a few hours in the early am to catch it and it kept chasing my lures but no strike, I tried some powerbait but it didn't go for it. I gave up, the giant fish was just not going for it.

I decided I would leave my backpack and all my gear and hike down the creek and see if I could see a way outa the crack of a mountain. At the end of the creek was a huge river..........LOL NOWHERE TO GO, I couldn't even walk along the sides, no sides, just water and mountains and falling rock. I found a grasshoper while walking towards the river, I caught it and went back to the pool of water with the big fish in it, I baited it up and the fish attacked the bug withing seconds. OHH man it was one of the biggest wild trout I ever caught in my life, the thing had huge teeth and was about as long as my leg....I was screaming and hollering, I picked the fish up and held it over my head and screamed like a madman.

Well, I tried for a while to figure out how I was gonna get out, thought about swimming across the river as I could see some kind of road in the distance across the river......I can swim like a fish, however this river was freaking wide so I figured I'd stay put and just cook my fish. I was out of wine and had ate most of my snacks the night before, so I filled my canteen with creek water and found a thin flat rock and cooked my fish on a rock.

Day 3, I woke up and decided I would hike back down the creek to the main river. I grabbed all my gear and the fish head, lol it was so big and had so many teeth I had to keep it. I made my way down the creek and ran into two guys and a lady who had came in by boat, I told them it was my 3rd day down there and I was stuck. They gave me some food and a soda, and OMG they had some herb and smoked me out....They gave me a ride to columbia, near sonora ca and droped me off at a bar.......I was broke, my car was way way up a road in the mountains, im deaf I can't really call anyone.

I started walking down the road, after a while the pavement turned into dirt....I was really tired and knew I proberly wouldnt find my car before dark. A truck came up from behind me and I was really desprate, I held up my thumb for a ride and a really good looking lady driving the truck stopped. I explained why I was so far out on a dirt road looking for my car.... I left it by a lookout tower, the lady said she used to live here back in the days and had been to the tower with a boyfriend back in high school before but was not sure where it was.

She handed me a beer and told me to jump in the back of the pickup, she tried to talk to me, but I was in the back of a moving truck and she realized I couldnt hear her, she told me to get in the cab with her but warned me she was armed and If I tried anything funny she would shoot me..lol

LOL it took us hours to find my car, she was soo cool about it and followed me back to the bar and bought me a beer......She told me how she was just getting out of a long marrage and moving back to her hometown, we went back to her place....wow older women really are amzing.......lol

she gave me her number and I went home.....my family was worried and out looking for me since it had been a few days......lol I told my brother what happened he couldnt belive it....lol her name was bonnie a blonde MILF.
I only got lost one time, and it was the closest I ever came to actually getting caught...I have since gotten much better. To make a long story short, I was forced to dump a bunch of supplies/plants and run. They were in no mood to follow me over a misdemeanor, but in the process I got separated from my car. Fortunately I had my phone with me, had to call a friend to find me and the car. You do some serious hiking, mine are always less than 20 minutes. Sometimes I still lose plants though. I like to use native plants as cover, and mine blend in so well even I can't find them. Particularly on the first return trip, I'll stand there for like 10 minutes staring at hundreds of plants before I can spot mine.
This will by my first outdoor season. i look forward to doing some hiking and getting out in the wild. Hope i dont have any stories like the OP. But wouldnt mind having one end up like JAD420. I hope she ended up as a MIDF!!!
Next time mark the spot clearly where you are when your lost and head off in different directions from that point for 100 yards or so untll you find the right direction but always come back to the original spot as this isnt far from where you want to be, if you walk off in any old direction you could be going the wrong way and end up miles away, then your fucked and will need to head downhill for creek water as animals do. NO GPS ! can be traced to your location and if you get caught the cops will know all your locations off the gps.
Next time mark the spot clearly where you are when your lost and head off in different directions from that point for 100 yards or so untll you find the right direction but always come back to the original spot as this isnt far from where you want to be, if you walk off in any old direction you could be going the wrong way and end up miles away, then your fucked and will need to head downhill for creek water as animals do. NO GPS ! can be traced to your location and if you get caught the cops will know all your locations off the gps.

thats also another reason i dont wanna get a gps and why i dont bring my cell phone! just a compass and a map in my head everything else is back at the car
I was not scouting or making a garden, however I did go down too steep of a mountain once, it had alot of crumbling rock everywhere. I sort of surfed the rocks down all the way down to a creek. I'm a diehard fisherman, I fished for a while...I kind of knew I was screwed, but didn't want to belive it....It was impossible to climb up, it was like big chunks of flat rock sliding everywhere, I even tried without all my gear like fuk it.....didn't get very far and kept sliding back down, it was too dangerous to go back the way I came.

I followed the creek for a few miles going down the mountain crack, there was not one flat spot anywhere!!!! I was in a freaking crack with water running thru it....It was spring snow melt, I found a pretty deep pool of water in the crack of the mountains and decided I would camp there as it was getting late. I had some snacks and silly me had brought no water just a canteen of redwine...lol

I drank most of the wine and fell asleep on a big rock, flatest thing I could find........I woke up in the morning and found a tick in my chest, after freaking out and ripping that sucker out I noticed a huge fish swiming in the deep pool of water.....I tried for a few hours in the early am to catch it and it kept chasing my lures but no strike, I tried some powerbait but it didn't go for it. I gave up, the giant fish was just not going for it.

I decided I would leave my backpack and all my gear and hike down the creek and see if I could see a way outa the crack of a mountain. At the end of the creek was a huge river..........LOL NOWHERE TO GO, I couldn't even walk along the sides, no sides, just water and mountains and falling rock. I found a grasshoper while walking towards the river, I caught it and went back to the pool of water with the big fish in it, I baited it up and the fish attacked the bug withing seconds. OHH man it was one of the biggest wild trout I ever caught in my life, the thing had huge teeth and was about as long as my leg....I was screaming and hollering, I picked the fish up and held it over my head and screamed like a madman.

Well, I tried for a while to figure out how I was gonna get out, thought about swimming across the river as I could see some kind of road in the distance across the river......I can swim like a fish, however this river was freaking wide so I figured I'd stay put and just cook my fish. I was out of wine and had ate most of my snacks the night before, so I filled my canteen with creek water and found a thin flat rock and cooked my fish on a rock.

Day 3, I woke up and decided I would hike back down the creek to the main river. I grabbed all my gear and the fish head, lol it was so big and had so many teeth I had to keep it. I made my way down the creek and ran into two guys and a lady who had came in by boat, I told them it was my 3rd day down there and I was stuck. They gave me some food and a soda, and OMG they had some herb and smoked me out....They gave me a ride to columbia, near sonora ca and droped me off at a bar.......I was broke, my car was way way up a road in the mountains, im deaf I can't really call anyone.

I started walking down the road, after a while the pavement turned into dirt....I was really tired and knew I proberly wouldnt find my car before dark. A truck came up from behind me and I was really desprate, I held up my thumb for a ride and a really good looking lady driving the truck stopped. I explained why I was so far out on a dirt road looking for my car.... I left it by a lookout tower, the lady said she used to live here back in the days and had been to the tower with a boyfriend back in high school before but was not sure where it was.

She handed me a beer and told me to jump in the back of the pickup, she tried to talk to me, but I was in the back of a moving truck and she realized I couldnt hear her, she told me to get in the cab with her but warned me she was armed and If I tried anything funny she would shoot me..lol

LOL it took us hours to find my car, she was soo cool about it and followed me back to the bar and bought me a beer......She told me how she was just getting out of a long marrage and moving back to her hometown, we went back to her place....wow older women really are amzing.......lol

she gave me her number and I went home.....my family was worried and out looking for me since it had been a few days......lol I told my brother what happened he couldnt belive it....lol her name was bonnie a blonde MILF.
Great Story JAD420, sounds like a story with a "Happy ending":hump:...LMAO.
I've only ever gotten lost twice, both on the same holiday. Visited South Africa when i was about 7 or 8, can't really recall, one day the family went up table top mountain, and for some absolutely unfathomable reason, the parents thought they'd let me and my brothers walk back down on our own, needless to say that we took completely the wrong path and a few hours later had to be scouted out by some park ranger type people. Then the day before leaving to go home, again, my parents figured that they would just let me and my brothers, oldest being just 9, wander off in search of a sweethop we had visited on our first day or so. My older brothers both figured right, it's this way, i figured fuck that, i'm going this way, so wandered off into the suburbs looking for this sweetshop, all we knew of it was that it had a pink umbrella outside, so an hour or so later, i just ended up asking the first dude i saw if he could tell me how to get to pink umbrella sweetshop, i found it, little old me, adventurer! Then my parents and brothers caught up with me and gave me absolute hell. WTF, i just found a sweetshop in the middle of south africa, andmy brothers had to waddle home empty handed, give me some credit damnit!
Back in 1999 I was presented an offer I couldn't pass up. A few years earlier a good friend of ours bought a large piece of property on the remote East side of Roatan, Roatan is a small island off the coast of Honduras. A couple of months after he bought it, my wife and I spent a week there and fell in love with this place, it is true a paradise.
Anyway, my friend met a wealthy Canadian there who also owned a bunch of land on the island, his problem was there were no roads linking some of his properties to main roads on the island.
His proposition was for us to cut some new roads to connect with the main roads and he would in return give us property for payment. No brainer, we excepted the guys offer and went to Houston TX and purchased a DH6 from a Ritchie Bro's auction and shipped it to the island.

A month later we both took a trip to Roatan to cut some roads, easy enough right! LOL
I was the one elected to operate the dozer through this thick ass hilly jungle shit but had already cut about 1.5 km of road by the fifth evening.
Every day a kid on a dirt bike would bring me lunch, come back and pick me up about an hour before dark to take me back to Dave's house which was at least 4 miles away. On the forth day my lunch was delivered but the little prick was nowhere in site when it was time to pick me up!

Now it's damn near dark, I'm stuck in the middle of a bug infested jungle but I know I'm only a little more than a mile from a clearing and a nisson truck where we kept diesel fuel.

It sounds like an easy predicament to get out of but when it gets dark there, it's pitch black dark, I couldn't even see the fucking road I cut, plus they have plants there that cut the living hell out you even when you brush up next to them, not a friendly place, especially at night.

I make the decision to walk back to the truck by feeling the dirt as I go, sort of like walking braille, making sure I didn't go off the road. After about 30 minutes or so of creeping up and down the dirt road the mosquitoes and bugs swarming around my face got to be too much and I knew couldn't keep it up. now I'm starting to feel a little bit of panic set in.

I remember I left a head net in one of the compartments back at the dozer (I know) lol so my plan was to walk back to get the head net and start over again.
But some how on my way back up the road I run into a dead end, I couldn't believe it, the dirt ahead of me had just stopped and there was nothing but darkness and thick plants to the left, the right and in front of me!

Now the panic starts setting in again and I find myself standing there in the dark, in the middle of BF Egypt trying to figure out WTF, I guess in the panic I forgot that there were a couple of areas where I had to back the dozer up and cut the road in a different direction and I had somehow found my way to one of the dead ends, knowing this gave me back some of my sanity! LOL

After about an hour I finally make it back to the dozer, I jump in the cab, put the head net on and sit there for a long ass time debating whether or not I was going to walk back.
During my little think session, I knew in the back of my mind that there was no damn way I going to try and walk back again and I assured myself it was the right decision.

Well needless to say I spent the whole night in the dozer taking ten mintute catnaps fighting off bugs and trying to sleep while sitting, it was long long night.
Finally the sun came up and I was able to drive back down.

Later that day I found out why the kid with the motorcycle never made it back, he had run out of gas earlier and didn't bother to tell a fucking soul, I couldn't believe how these people think. LOL
I also found out my buddy Dave went into town that afternoon, met some friends and didn't make home till later that morning.

Although you guys may not consider it being lost, it sure as hell felt like it to me.

thats also another reason i dont wanna get a gps and why i dont bring my cell phone! just a compass and a map in my head everything else is back at the car

Cell phones can always be turned off, or if you're really paranoid remove battery. I know of at least one incident in which having one saved a life, after being bitten by a rattlesnake. Leaving your lifeline in the car or at home is like carrying an unloaded firearm.
If you require a cell phone to survive outside, well personally i consider it just another manner in which humans are becoming pathetic. It' not too difficult to learn about the outdoors and how to stay alive out there. If i considered my telelphone my lifeline i would have to sit down and have a long hard think about my life :D
If you require a cell phone to survive outside, well personally i consider it just another manner in which humans are becoming pathetic. It' not too difficult to learn about the outdoors and how to stay alive out there. If i considered my telelphone my lifeline i would have to sit down and have a long hard think about my life :D

How many examples should I post?. I know of someone else that broke their leg after wrecking a 4-wheeler, again the phone was the only means to summon help.
Notice how i said personally. As in it is my opinion. You go and take all the risks you want so as to require a mobile phone, me, i'll plan ahead or learn what i need to learn so it' not really an issue. Humans have survived for oh i don't know, just a couple of years wihtout a requirement of mobile phones or GPS. It is my opinion that technology is turning humans into a pathetic bunch of useless cunts.
wow guys nice storys! keep it coming awsome interesting reads even though we got balls enough to do what we do, being lost is a whole other sence of fear!