Okay so yesterday I began my scouting for this year grow spots! little did I know the adventure that lay ahead of me, as I climbed to the lookout of a huge provincal park aka huge ass mountain. I went off trail near the top where I saw a stone on a random part of the path that reminded me of a baseball diamond. I knew this would be my first marker on where I would go from now. I had already been hiking alot under the sun carying lost of reeferman gear for 2 hours to reach this point. I then proceeded south switching into my soft footed runners so I wouldn't make trails, I figured I would head south over the top then down the other side till I found a discreet location. I noticed other things marking my way like clearings and small christmas trees. After about half an hour of hiking south I found a HUGE patch of poison ivy with dead logs and trees threw out. I busted out the reeferman gear and proceed crossing the logs without damaging surroundings. I began clearing out the middle with my shit ass shears which broke and my machette, while bumping tunes. I took a break drank one of my waters ate some trail mix, and after I had cleared out the area it was getting time to head home. I figured if I headed North and followed my notes I would hit the same trail. I had now been hiking North for 45 mins and had gotten no where, my legs were tired and so was I. I Knew I was lost, but knew if I headed north eventually I would find some trail winding down the side. This never happend! so for 2 hours I fell down the 70 degree steep ass cliff side till I hit the ocean, from this point I was f'ed now, it was begining to get dark so I was about to set up camp for the night and try to make my way in the morning. I was exausted with 1 water left no food, so I made a fire with shit damp ass wood and emergancy fire supplies. I could see houses in the distance around the bay I was on, decided I would prob freeze because its january and atleast if I made it to these houses I could call my girlfriend for help. So with 1 hour till it got dark I was like fuck camping here, so I began following dear trails along the ocean side for 45 minutes every step the houses got closer and my knees got weaker, my shins were bruised and I could barly walk. I then saw a huge sign and got so rejoiced! When I got to the sign I saw stairs and it showed me where I was, but it was still almost dark out. It was still half hour to the car from here uphill, I was out of water weak in the knees and climbing 1 foot stairs in the dark! Then out of know where lights came up behind me it was a guy and his wife hiking, I was so happy to see people I explained to them getting lost at the top taking pictures of the veiw, showed them on my camera. I told them heading back I was heading north and missed the trail. They saw I was in rough shape and were concerned, so she took my bag for me and we talked along the way back about me being a hobbiest hiker and where I liked to camp. "I had now had my exercise for the week" I told her and "I'm dehydrated as shit!" She gave me water when we got the the parking lot I said my thank yous and proceeded to pick my girlfriend up from work, which was in half an hour! I had gotten their just intime in rugged ass shape barly able to drive and she was like omg what happend. I told her " sighhh, I will tell you once I shower and feeling better from my 9 hour scouting trip that ass sucked. Moral of the story if your afraid to mark you paths mark them!!! and take them down on the way back out! and when you completely fucked animals know best and make nice paths! So follow your instincts and be safe prepair for the worst and stay alive! If ur interested I will be posting my first grow season soon!
Over grow pce
Over grow pce