I Want To Get A Kinect But I'm Scared Of It.


Well-Known Member
I think I want kinect but I'm scared of it. Does it watch you? what for? Is it any good is it fun? does it work good? does it give you cancer? does it stay on even when it's unplugged? is their a secret battery in it?


Active Member
It's not worth it yet I don't think. I've got one but never use it. I keep it unplugged cause I'm weird like that never thought of the hidden battery idea tho...


Active Member
We have one and hardly play it. It's good for an every once in a while thing. I always end up getting freaked out and unplug it, because it stays on all the time no matter what you're playing.

The dance and sports games are pretty cool. Overall, I think the kinect is best for party settings.

Video taken from the kinect can be used to prosecute you if you're doing anything nefarious.


Well-Known Member
It's not worth it yet I don't think. I've got one but never use it. I keep it unplugged cause I'm weird like that never thought of the hidden battery idea tho...
Why does it not work right? is it fun? is it hard to use? or hard to set up? I was thinking it would be cool to have the midgets come over and play and get drunk.


Active Member
The most fun I've had is watching other people play it

I originally got it cause I thought you'd be able to go through netfilx menus and stuff waiving your hand. Can't

Maybe I'm just smoking too much couch lock


Active Member
Why does it not work right? is it fun? is it hard to use? or hard to set up? I was thinking it would be cool to have the midgets come over and play and get drunk.
Yeah drunk would be better. Party setting for sure not just like after work blaze one and then start jumping around on kinect.

Make sure you have a big enough space too


Well-Known Member
It can see me.

Does it report to MS-central? No waay. TMI !! Not legal. Could HLS get a
warrant from the secret wiretap court in play since the patriot act? Sure.

Are the the tangos playing kinect? Just turn it off if you worry.

I like it. It's addictive, engaging, entertaining. It's like karaoke for the rest
of us. Once I calibrated it to me in a couple of different lighting conditions,
it recognizes me. NetFlix has a better frame control by hand, than the controller,

Only problem, it has a hard time picking me out from the couch. I'm supposed to
stand up. It mainly keys on hand positions in a standing position.

I'm thinking about that boxing game. May as well exercise. I can't manage the
dance stuff, it seems.

Some apps will take a picture and I have one of my Aussie running in and nipping
me (he was 6 months) It was just too exciting for him. I was running the 100
yard dash...and winning!


Well-Known Member
The most fun I've had is watching other people play it

I originally got it cause I thought you'd be able to go through netfilx menus and stuff waiving your hand. Can't

Maybe I'm just smoking too much couch lock

Yea you can use it to go through Netflix I do it all the time.


Well-Known Member
It doesn;t know what you are doing unless you also have your penis out, it has quite the penis detection algorithm


Well-Known Member
I think I want kinect but I'm scared of it. Does it watch you? what for? Is it any good is it fun? does it work good? does it give you cancer? does it stay on even when it's unplugged? is their a secret battery in it?
Dont leave any cones in the bowl because when you go to bed the xbox will smoke it. Im sick of waking up to no cones in the bowl. :shock:


Well-Known Member
dont get one. i bought one played with it for one day then never touched it again. they only have kiddish games for it. i want my 3d Call of duty


Well-Known Member
The most fun I've had is watching other people play it

I originally got it cause I thought you'd be able to go through netfilx menus and stuff waiving your hand. Can't

Maybe I'm just smoking too much couch lock
hahah fuck a remote that's too much works i just want to wave my hand


oh my gawd my kinect scares the shit out of me I thought I was the only one.. Whenever I turn my xbox on it nods at me like its saying "hi" and then those little red lights stay on even though I may just be watching a movie. I know it sees me sitting on the couch in my underware... what is it thinking...


Well-Known Member
Actually waving my hand is more work....seriously. But, it's always available, and not lost in sofa.
i don't know man, I don't trust bill gates technology, you know with him trying to vaccinate every child on the planet, no it's not the nice vaccines it's the new and improved NWO vaccines, I don't exactly trust the fucker. Also because every child that receives a vaccine will be registered in a digital system so he has every piece of info, AND WATCHES them.


Well-Known Member
The most fun I've had is watching other people play it

I originally got it cause I thought you'd be able to go through netfilx menus and stuff waiving your hand. Can't

Maybe I'm just smoking too much couch lock
after the most recent update-netflix is kinect enabled......

OP get a kinect, unplug it and face towards the wall lol