I went to the HT Cannabis Cup!


Sector 5 Moderator
Yup, I was in Alaska on vaca and found out it was happening so we hit it. It was a blast and if you ever get the opportunity to go, please do. Tickets were $40; parking was $15; Cup T-shirt was $35 but I walked away with more than enough swag to cover that. They tossed about a lb of nugs into the audience, and I just happened to have a couple of nice new bud jars that were given to me. Met some great people and made some good contacts. Smoked a ton of weed; it was being passed all over the place. Weather was perfect and the location was too. The pic of the leaf blower with a custom attachment holding about 2 oz of weed was lit with a torch and the smoke blown into the stretch Hummer limo. People would get in one side and slide across the seat and out the other door - very stoned. Today I bought some stock in HT.


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Yup, I was in Alaska on vaca and found out it was happening so we hit it. It was a blast and if you ever get the opportunity to go, please do. Tickets were $40; parking was $15; Cup T-shirt was $35 but I walked away with more than enough swag to cover that. They tossed about a lb of nugs into the audience, and I just happened to have a couple of nice new bud jars that were given to me. Met some great people and made some good contacts. Smoked a ton of weed; it was being passed all over the place. Weather was perfect and the location was too. The pic of the leaf blower with a custom attachment holding about 2 oz of weed was lit with a torch and the smoke blown into the stretch Hummer limo. People would get in one side and slide across the seat and out the other door - very stoned. Today I bought some stock in HT.
Dude, I looked for you. I live near Nenana now. My daughter is a budtender in Anchorage at a retail cannabis shop.
Dude, I looked for you. I live near Nenana now. My daughter is a budtender in Anchorage at a retail cannabis shop.
So you're back in the great land now? That's awesome!! I bought from shops in Anchorage, Soldotna, and Homer. Sure wish I could have seen you again bro; that would have been nice.
No, my son, daughter-in-law and grandbaby are living with us and I don't have a place to grow. We're moving again in another month or so and I *hope* to have a place I can grow. I've been checking out some auto beans for the winter.
We were better off growing before legalization. Now we're limited to 6. 3 in flower. Of course nobody does that but still . . .. My place i had near Anchorage I had a bedroom for veg and one for flower. 2 bathrooms upstairs set up as hydros. Drying screens in my daughter's room. They knew people taking it all for $10@g.