i will send reward to 1st person to definatively diagnose this.


Active Member
hey. i've got a problem with a few of my plants and was hoping someone could diagnose it for me. i suffered root rot last grow. i sterilized and started over from seed. i'm growing in pots with perlite with a pump feeding them twice a day. i regularly check ph and nutes. temps are 15c-26c. reservoir temp was 17c but i've just (today) installed heaters to keep it around 22c. humidity varies from 25-65%. heaps of fresh air. lights about 50cm from canopy. i've been using same nutes as always but started using dr hornbys big bud and hygrozime this grow. i am using cooltubes for the first time which has cooled the room considerably. outside temps have been very cold lately (6c at night). i had a big bud plant with a few curled under shade leaves. suddenly one day all the leaves were cupped. i hacked it because i found a few suspicious looking balls on it earlier. suddenly a few other plants (all different strains) have begun doing the same thing. these plants seem to be growing more vertical than the others. the buds aren't fattening or as smelly either. i've read up on some causes of this problem (leaf curl) but i don't think i have any of these causes. i use polycarbonate roof sheeting as my drainage tray. a mate suggested this may be breaking down and poisoning the plants. another mate (a plastic injection moulder) said this was improbable because its u.v stabilised. its stressing me out. i've been growing for many years without a problem suddenly i cant seem to get it right. i am hoping it is just cold reservoir temps and i've already fixed the problem. please help. i've attached photos of healthy and affected plants. plants are 25 days into flower. cheers. please only respond if u are sure of cause from experience or vast knowledge. i will seriously reward the first person who can tell me how fix problem correctly . it will cost me a whole lot more if i dont fix the problem.


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
you have a bad case of heat and mites it looks like. mite will kill your girls for sure.


Well-Known Member
ya man.. i had mites and my leaves looked like that .. i thought it was heat but sure enuff it was mites... look under the leaves for eggs... looks like a lota work u got on ur hands if it is.. gl!!!


Well-Known Member
whats the reward? some seeds? some rep? a puppy? some candy? a grow light? a roll of mylar?


Active Member
its not mites. no sign of bugs whatsoever. its not heat either. i live in the southern hemisphere so its winter at the moment. my room is as cool as i've ever had it. plants that are closer to the lights are unaffected. other than the mutation on a few, they are all very healthy.

Sure Shot

Well-Known Member
My guess is that a fungus has attacked your roots.
That can drastically effect the plants ability to uptake water/nutes to the top.
Since you are on top of everything else this seems like the only logical cause.
If it is fungus then it can be "contagious".

Possibly this or 1 of many others.

. This diease is caused by Sclerotinia sclerotiorum. The fungus primarily attacks fiber cultivars in Europe, but it has caused up to 40% losses in North America (Hockey 1927) and damaged hemp in Australia (Synnott 1941) and Tasmania (Lisson & Mendham 1995). Hemp canker has also appeared on drug cultivars in India (Bilgrami et al. 1981). Symptoms begin as watersoaked lesions on stems and branches of plants nearing maturity. The lesions collapse into cankers and become darkly discolored. Affected areas take on a shredded appearance and the pith becomes filled with a white cottony mycelium. Plants remain in this condition or wilt and fall over. By September large black sclerotia develop on the stem surface or within pith of dead stalks.