Ice water flush and 48hr blackout


Active Member
Hello all so whats this I am hearing about the ice water flush and 48hr complete dark period in the last few days of flowering. Has anyone tried this what's the official process and what's the pros and cons
Just stop feeding when plant shows signs of self cannibalization. Although you are in for a longer wait. But truly finished plants in the end. Flushing is pointless in my travels. And all science shows the plants only store enough energy for growth over a period of 8-10 hours. Seriuosly hampered without light.

But shock your girls and starve them. Your learning curve.

Best wishes and peace. 005.jpg005.jpg
Just stop feeding when plant shows signs of self cannibalization. Although you are in for a longer wait. But truly finished plants in the end. Flushing is pointless in my travels. And all science shows the plants only store enough energy for growth over a period of 8-10 hours. Seriuosly hampered without light.

But shock your girls and starve them. Your learning curve.

Best wishes and peace. View attachment 4830499View attachment 4830500
What do you mean
No boiling roots , ice baths , urine flushes , vampire stakes to stalk , putting a split in stalk or other meth head myths.
It’s a plant , like any other maturing fruit plant. Ween down the feed and give her plain water near end .

Keep scoping her during last weeks - judge the calyx areas and decide chop. Look at ALL buds ... determine if all are pretty much at doneness you seek. You can also do a “ partial harvest “ - taking the most mature buds and allowing lowers to “ finish “.
What do you mean
When your plant is getting close to true maturity it will begin to look like nute burn. The plant is actually dying and beginning to feed of the nutes in the leaves. As it's roots are only uptaking hydration at this point. Stop feeding to save supplies. Plant is no longer feeding. And a better flush over 2-3 weeks naturally than any bro science out there. 90% of grower, my estimate(LOL), harvest premature. Ride one out once. Tell me your results. Love factual info.
Nope I'm done best of luck to you with all of your endeavor be looking forward to seeing what you do next as always thank you for your time and the best wishes to you and your family and friends
Only my 2 cents. Worthless. But run your cycle as normal until you have the milk or gold I go for. Cut and adjust final flavor with dry and cure. If you let it go till it is actually done it will be ten steps ahead in your curing process.

Here is one of my secret girls at full finish after dry. View attachment 4830510
Beauty what's your drying and curing process I've had trouble being in az with hay tasting
I'm pretty sure the ice water flush is to try to get the buds to purple up a bit, which does have some scientific basis. Light is known to degrade THC, so I always try to harvest right after the dark period. The dark period is when the flowering hormones build up, which is the theory behind an extra 24 to 48 hour dark period. Turning the lights off for a day before you harvest is not going to hamper your crop, unless it is already on the edge of problems. It may or may not increase frost, but it will definitely save you power for every day you leave them in the dark.
Beauty what's your drying and curing process I've had trouble being in az with hay tasting
Remove limbs, shade leaves and hang. Slow and low. 12-14 days. You need ac in your climate. About 60-65F. Shoot for crisp snap on branches. Jar and burp as normal. Every two days for first 2 weeks. Then I get humidity in jar and use actual ambient to bring my buds to 45-50% max humidity in same temps as drying. By opening jars in humidity for a day on the side I need to go to. It is a balancing act. But as long as you don't get to humid you have months to get it right.002.jpg004.jpg