I'd like to suggest a section for dispensaries?


Well-Known Member
Would it be an insult to suggest a section for dispensaries? I know full well
that this is a grower's board. AND i know that the stuff we see in here makes
any store cannabis look like hay in comparison. But some ppl here go to the
dispo, even some growers, so I've seen. There's questions i'd like to ask dispos.
And it'd really be helpful to have some posts to include questions that'd pertain
to buying product from a dispo. Questions to ask the "budtender", like:
1. Where do you get your product?
2. Who's the best growers?
3. Do you know growers who practice slow curing, and hand trimming?
I can't think of any other good questions, but the above is a good start.
If i could go to that dispo armed w/some vital questions maybe I could score
some halfway decent cannabis. I do not know any growers other than RIU members,
so i can't really find a good nug anywhere.
MainStage in Sacramento off Broadway Blvd is coo. They give deals. Work with tissue culture facilities. And have a clean presentation of cannabis products in general.
TY Rootz. I know that RIU growers, well, wow, what can i say about them? This is
so much better than anything i've seen in HighTimes. Plus you can talk to the growers too.
Get their input, ideas, tips, hints, science (not bro-science, either). Some of these guys
are like chemists, and soils science people. They really know wtf's up in growing.
Then the pix, holee molee! Just drool at these delicious nugs they grow. Amazing!

I figure these guys know what to ask at a dispo, to narrow the bud tenders down to
where I can go to the store and maybe get something closer to what I'm looking for.
Some good questions to ask at the store, is what I know RIU growers/members can
provide. Sativa/indica, landrace/ruderalis, indoor/outdoor, chemicals added/organics,
there are so many questions to ask the tender. And if he doesn't know, then he'll have to
learn to know these answers. And maybe we can "groom" these tenders and stores to
provide better products, if we know what to ask, then they'll know what we want.

I wish home growers could sell to dispos. That would be fabulous.
My experience with dispos is very limited. We never had any of the 'grey market' ones here in Alberta before legalization but on a trip out to BC 7 or 8 years back I went into a few. The pot was in big jars so you could see it and have a whiff then just get a gram each of a few to try out which is what I did. This was after the owner turned me on to a doctor that would sign my medpot papers. Took two trips to Vernon from Peachland but got my papers and went straight back to that store to score. First time I tried a 2:1 CBD:THC blend called Island Sweet Skunk CBD and then went back and scored 10g to take home with me and make cocobudder. Best meds I'd tried at that time.

All the buds there were top shelf or very close to it. Great bag appeal and moisture content.

Now everything is locked up like Ft. Knox. Childproof containers that can weigh 4x as much as the product inside. Tons more plastic every day with that shit. It shouldn't need any more protection than a bottle of booze that is more likely to mess up your kid than pot would.

I still haven't bought any pot but have bought a couple of 30ml bottles of CBD oil for a try. Not very good for me but the step-daughter likes it for her menstrual pains. Basically CBD isolate in MCT oil. 26mg/g CBD, 1mg/g THC. Says cannabis extract but very refined is not isolate. I prefer teh whole plant extracts I make myself as far as medicine goes.

Now everything is locked up like Ft. Knox. Childproof containers that can weigh 4x as much as the product inside. Tons more plastic every day with that shit. It shouldn't need any more protection than a bottle of booze that is more likely to mess up your kid than pot would.
That's exactly true. They've got it all so corporatized, and "bottled up" that common sense is out the window.
Like grocery stores do, they should allow u to bring your own containers. But they're more hung up on keeping cannabis
quasi illegal that they wouldn't think of doing anything that made sense. Also i wonder how much diff the industry is in Canada than in USA.
That's exactly true. They've got it all so corporatized, and "bottled up" that common sense is out the window.
Like grocery stores do, they should allow u to bring your own containers. But they're more hung up on keeping cannabis
quasi illegal that they wouldn't think of doing anything that made sense. Also i wonder how much diff the industry is in Canada than in USA.

I think it's very similar here with everybody starting off basing their price points at what the black market was which made the companies starting off over-value their potential earnings which got a lot of greedy a-holes investing only to lose their shirts once the market became over saturated and reality set in.

I've never been to a US dispo so don't know how they package and sell their bud but here it's ridiculous. Just a clear plastic pouch with a label at the top would at least let you see what you're getting. Instead, they have a plastic pouch inside a heavy plastic can with a gov't seal. Like liquor an unsealed container can be carried anywhere in your car but once opened it has to be in the trunk or somewhere inaccessible to the driver or you get busted for an open container. That can lead to further testing by a trained drug cop who could order a blood test if he determines you are, in fact, impaired. With only 5ng I believe being the legal limit I'd get an impaired driving charge for sure even if I hadn't indulged in a week or more.

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Blood test or a U/A is so inaccurate. You will test positive even if you haven't smoked for a month in some cases.
Courts really shouldn't prosecute until they've found a more accurate test of impairment. I smoke today, don't
smoke for a month, but I'm impaired to drive the very next day. If that was the alcohol test, nobody'd drive.

You can just visit any USA dispo site and see what they're like. Sounds much the same as Canada. I get them in
plastic jars, glass jars, plastic tubes (if cones) and probly half come in those plastic zip lock pouches.

The main thing i found w/dispo weed is...it sucks. It's a no high, high, u just feel kinda high, but not really high.
And, it tastes like shit, and gags you like the Boston Strangler at least half the time. I'm so let down by this. And
all i have ever smoked is that dispo smoke in the past 7 years. I've spent probably around 1000 a year on it.
I'll buy 3 or 4 times a year, the legal amount. We don't use a lot. A joint lasts us 2 or 3 sessions each, my wife
5 or 6 sessions, due to her limited lung function. I just finished my U/A and still have to wait another week or so
before I can break my fast. Then I'm ready with a vacuum sealer, vacuum bags to decarb and try again to make
some tincture that hopefully is strong enough to work.