Ideal promiscuous night?


Active Member
Alright, lets say that the air feels right. There is so much possitive energy in the air that your hair stands up... you have plenty of extra money in your pocket and your vehicle is looking fresh. Your about to go out and you know that there's a lot of hot people your attracted to... You score with a hot chick (guy if your a chick) and you have everything you want and need to kick off the most memorable night ever; what would you have on you (any kind of stimulant)? Where would you go do do this with the hottie you picked up? How many ways can that person make you happy and what would you do with them (details please)? How would you end the instant date to make it the best you ever had? bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
First of all I think promiscuous is the wrong word. That means you do shit like this all the time and sleep with a number of people. You're talking more like a one night stand right?

Secondly, I've never had a one night stand, and while I won't say that I never WILL, I definitely wouldn't PLAN to fuck someone I don't know. STDs are icky.


had to edit to add the "Secondly" It irks the shit out of my mom when someone says "First of all" and doesn't follow up with "Secondly"...don't know why that matters but whatever


Active Member
wow... someone need to watch some porn
It's called toke n talk; simply for shits and giggles... porn is free on the net and easy to do in life. This is for 'entertainment' purposes only.

First of all I think promiscuous is the wrong word. That means you do shit like this all the time and sleep with a number of people. You're talking more like a one night stand right?

Secondly, I've never had a one night stand, and while I won't say that I never WILL, I definitely wouldn't PLAN to fuck someone I don't know. STDs are icky.


had to edit to add the "Secondly" It irks the shit out of my mom when someone says "First of all" and doesn't follow up with "Secondly"...don't know why that matters but whatever
LOL, to each his/her own. I ment "promiscuous". Some of us like to have multiple partners since it is fun for us; it is not for everyone (please have an open mind, just because I love sex doesn't make me a bad person or a scumbag). STDs are for people that don't practice safe sex (I know that no sex is safe but we all do it). I would say that 75% of the people that are single will definately have a night full of fun in this situation... just because you pick someone up one night doens't mean that that it is automaticaly over, you might really like that person in the end. Do you know anyone that goes into a clinic with their partner before having sex? I'm sorry to say but it's almost ridiculous as hardly anyone does that. Most everyone goes in when the damage is already done. I'm not saying it shouldn't be done because you can never be too safe...


Well-Known Member
Some STDs can be transmitted even when you use a condom. I think you have a better chance of knowing whether or not someone you KNOW has an STD rather than guessing if someone you just met has one or not. One wrong guess and congratulations! You have herpes for the rest of your life. Ewwwwww....:sad:

lol, but maybe I'm just a chicken shit. I wish I were braver *le sigh*
Some STDs can be transmitted even when you use a condom. I think you have a better chance of knowing whether or not someone you KNOW has an STD rather than guessing if someone you just met has one or not. One wrong guess and congratulations! You have herpes for the rest of your life. Ewwwwww....:sad:

lol, but maybe I'm just a chicken shit. I wish I were braver *le sigh*
nawh you're just doing a good job in taking care of yourself


Active Member
Like I said, it's not for everyone. There is that chance of a condom having a hole and a chance of breaking and I'm not going into details but so far so good. At 32 and clean as a whistle. I don't go looking for skanks anyway, all are grade A...