did u say i need to add a booster fan to the one side i have a 165 cfm exhaust fan but that will be connected to a carbon filter will this still have adequate power to pull through all this
yah u need a fan ........since the fliter pad is there it need more pressure for the air to pass .........i am making one for my set up now( just tried running it only the tent concaved from the sucking force it made to pull tho the filter).....turns a 4x4 into less do to need to move leaves off walls
here are some pics if it helps yah
it is a 12x12x1 filter from home depot lvl 9 (clears smokes) a large flatrate box from USPS (free)........i got a can of flexie seal(spray rubber) taped the box coated inside with it......... used a connection fitting pressed down made the circle cut it out and then feed the ducting in
it was air tight got a good drawl but the concaved walls are a isusse with me so i am getting a 240 cfm booster 6 inch to add in ..........i am not sure the final results will post and tell yah ......it comes tomarrow and i have a hose clamp here for it