As the outdoor season winds down, I see so many of us had leaf septoria issues, usually causing harvest to be premature. I thought maybe we could gather together in a thread, the approaches that we used that seemed to help. This was the 3rd time out of 5 grows that septoria was a major issue in my outdoor garden. I used a sulfur based spray, that did not contain copper, beginning in early July, and thought I was keeping it at bay, but it came roaring back with a vengeance in early August. Ultimately, strain selection is the best prevention, and I had 2 strains from Lyme Rising Farms that dealt with the septoria really well, and I was able to finish both plants. Those strains were called Bashear and Salvisa. Despite being next to a heavily infested plant, the Salvisa did not get any leaf spotting. I am aware that it could have just been those 2 phenotypes that did well, and other phenos of Bashear and Salvisa may not fare so well. We'll see next year! The pic is of Salvisa.