Ideas for fixing a screen to pot

Star Dog

Well-Known Member
I'm looking to have the plants with the screen fixed to the pots rather than the tent frame, fixed to the pots I can take them out for maintenance trying to do in the tent is killing my back.

I've got a basic idea of a frame/wire fence fixed to the pot with plastic pipes, but, it seems a lot work and expense, I'm sure someone will have thought of something, any ideas?
Plenty of diy's on youtube or I'm sure they are available to purchase
It might sound ridiculous but what will I search for, as in what words/phrase.
I've bought but never used the pre made, the ones I have are a bit flimsy and a pain to get fixed and sitting right, I'm sure there's better more straight forward ways.

Thanks SD
It might sound ridiculous but what will I search for, as in what words/phrase.
I've bought but never used the pre made, the ones I have are a bit flimsy and a pain to get fixed and sitting right, I'm sure there's better more straight forward ways.

Thanks SD

"DIY scrog nets" I guess. The one I have seen is similar to your idea of pipes with elbow joints and then drilled holes to feed the rope into a net.
Years ago I used to see these bread baskets behind grocery stores which looked ideal for scrog but the holes were only like an inch and a half by the same, I did think to cut them slightly larger and then add legs but it never came to fruition.
Years ago I used to see these bread baskets behind grocery stores which looked ideal for scrog but the holes were only like an inch and a half by the same, I did think to cut them slightly larger and then add legs but it never came to fruition.
That’s the sort of thing I was looking for, there's always someone that comes up with great ideas as alternatives and improvements.

I've brain stormed it a few times but can't really come up with anything simple.

Thanks for your thoughts, don't know why I pictured the bread basket on the pot but it's given me an idea?
instead of me trying to get a screen in place on top of plastic pipes why not just use the top of the pot to fix the screen to, then train or tie it if necessary.
A couple of zip ties would hold the screen (wire mesh) at pot height, can you foresee any issues with that?

Thanks SD
Once the plants established the wire grill would be held down low with its own branches, you could split a screen then zip tie it around the bottom stem and tuck or tie?
It sounds to simple I must be over looking something?
I use these, it help me keep to them from flopping around as the buds grow.
Also if one branch shoots for the moon while growing I bend it over and clip it to the ring. I try to keep the canopy close to them same height. so as to toast the buds evenly. I may even use one ring lower when veg'ing and add a second higher up as she gets taller.
I use driveway marker sticks, the orange fiberglass ones sold at Mernards. for vertical support. and orchid clips to pin the limbs to the ring if I need to bend one over. I grow in 3 gal pots, and like you take them out of the tent to work on them. It works for me.
Well Ffs this seems to be to good to be true,
I've stuck a bit of that orange stuff over a plant to see if it could hold its own support in place, there's no rigid frame just the net and as you can see it's working fairly well.
I realise I might needed to put a string from corner to corner under the pot to stop the net growing up but early signs are promising, that taller one is getting the same treatment to tomorrow.
How many sodas came in that??
It's that's safety netting.
I don't buy it the link only for example, if the USA is similar to the UK it's easily picked up... For free lol