If Epsom Salt can be used for Mag - What can be used for Ca?


Well-Known Member
Hi RIU - looking for a a good economical calmag substitute. If espom salt can be used for Mag what can be used to get the calcium? How much per gallon? DWC. Thanks.
Plant Magic's 'MagneCal' ... a good substitute for Botanicare's or Bloom's 'CalMag'

cheap too.
Hi RIU - looking for a a good economical calmag substitute. If espom salt can be used for Mag what can be used to get the calcium? How much per gallon? DWC. Thanks.

I just read that TUMS could be used for calcium - has anybody tried this? If yes, how many per gallon?
Hi RIU - looking for a a good economical calmag substitute. If espom salt can be used for Mag what can be used to get the calcium? How much per gallon? DWC. Thanks.

Botanicare Cal-Mag plus is composed of

CaNO3 - Calcium Nitrate
MgSO4 - Magnesium Sulfate Epsom salts
Iron EDTA - chelated iron.

Calcium Nitrate is available and cheap off of ebay.

fatmans Cal-Mag

Nitrogen 200
Magnesium 120
Calcium 259
Sulfur 160
Iron 10.00

Grams (ounces)
Calcium Nitrate 488.9 (17.25)
Magnesium Sulfate 464.0 (16.37)
Iron Chelate 38.57 (1.36)

Volume of Stock Solutions 1 gallon
Dilution Rate 100 to 1

I started using Magical by technaflora and like it. 2% N 3.25% Ca 1.25% mg .11%Fe
Apparently they send out a lot of free samples to hydro shops, so I would ask if they have a sample bottle for you