If I had a bubbler, whats the bes way to start seeds?

Capt. Stickyfingers

Well-Known Member
I start my seeds in paper towel, then then put them in cups of perlite until they have a root system, then they get put into the bubble buckets. The perlite shakes right off the roots. Its the easiest way I have found. Plus perlite is reusable.


New Member
I start my seeds in paper towel, then then put them in cups of perlite until they have a root system, then they get put into the bubble buckets. The perlite shakes right off the roots. Its the easiest way I have found. Plus perlite is reusable.
I start mine in shot glass water better results then paper towel, but rest is same. Perlite is great even for hempy buckets my permanent frost is nearly done in 100% perlite. Yes it's easy to get out of perlite.

Hugo Phurst

Well-Known Member
why not use a one inch rock wool cube?
- And we have a winner.

Then stick it a dome, a week or two after it sprouts, you drop it into DWC. (A seedling/clone dome and a sheet of starter rockwool, is less than $20.00)

Something like a 28l tote... IMGP7134.jpgIMGP7139.jpg

Then into your buckets.

Capt. Stickyfingers

Well-Known Member
To each their own. As long as it works, there aren't any "winners". BUT I've never needed a dome for seedlings, ever. I like my seedlings to have a nice breeze going across them. Nor do I have to buy rockwool every time I want to start a seed and soak that shit in water forever, then fuck around with long lanky seedlings because they sat under a dome for 2 weeks. But that's just me.


me personally i soak them in a shot glas until they sink in dark. sinking assures they are full of water. yes i transfer to rockwool. but i might try the perlite. roots can get damaged badly being removed from paper towel. and if u order seeds seems wasteful. after soaking i throw in rockwool under a small shop light.

also i think its important to note every plant is different and certain breed might require a dome some might not. its good to look at what your growing and other journals of those breeds. will give u ideas for do's and don'ts.

Capt. Stickyfingers

Well-Known Member
me personally i soak them in a shot glas until they sink in dark. sinking assures they are full of water. yes i transfer to rockwool. but i might try the perlite. roots can get damaged badly being removed from paper towel. and if u order seeds seems wasteful. after soaking i throw in rockwool under a small shop light.

also i think its important to note every plant is different and certain breed might require a dome some might not. its good to look at what your growing and other journals of those breeds. will give u ideas for do's and don'ts.
If you're damaging a taproot taking a seed out of paper towel, then you're either handicapped or shouldn't be messing with seeds to begin with. There is virtually nothing to mess up. And there is only one taproot, not multiple roots. Where do you get the idea some strains "require" a dome? Do more learning, and less advising.


what was the cannabis cup winner read a thread no one could ge the seeds to spout via ppaer towel. and certain sativas need 90 pct humidity. hard to keep that without a dome. no its not needed most of the time but in rare cases it was. but as far as roots and paper towel. i never personally had an issue doing that. but when i read about that orange plant cc winner. the only person of like 300 to try and grow it and get a sprout didnt use paper towels or rock wool alone. and his sysem i liked. so i use it. but again he used rock wool after the shot glass. i wudnt mind trying perlite. instead of wool. wow if that pic is u. i def havent eben growing that long but i've had 10 years experience in soil msotly out doors. i wont sit and say i am the best. i sim[ply posted my opinion on what i think is the best method. from reading others logs. and recent experiences with trying these methods. i'ma lil hurt u took my advice so personal. as someone wanted opinions on whats best i simply gave mine. i know i'm not a know it all but i do know a lot has changed in whats proper and best to grow since it became legal medically in some states. and that is why we are all here to pass on ideas and experiences. so i'm sorry if you don't like my advice on avoiding paper towels. but in paper towels i used to get 7 of 10 to sprout. with this method i granted have only used twice. but have not had a single seed not sprout. and i will continue to be me. pass on my experiences and readings to others. i hope you can accept not everyone has the same advice. and we can be friends as we both enjoy the same hobby and want to find 100 pct what is the best methods. and honestly if ur doing a bag seed grow out door. i would recomend 100 pct the paper towel method. your usually not worried about losing a few seeds. but if u spend $10-20 a seed. i will continue the shot glass method. as i see results almost immediately and prefer that confidence. but i appreaciate ur opinions and what worked for u. but ur way isnt the only one.. now lets get stoned and everyones ideas and opinions hence that is what public forums are for :) happy smoking peeps