If the nugs feel brittle, is it too late to have dank weed?


Active Member
I dried my nugs in a 60-68 degree closet for about 4 days I believe and the nugs already started to feel a little too dry with the exception of one cola that I left some trim on so it didn't dry as fast. that one still smelled dank. The rest started to smell like hay. I jarred all of it along with the last relatively moist stem and a fan leaf from another plant in hopes of making it not so brittle. The weird part is the stems to these buds don't snap... they're still moist! but the bud itself feels way too dry and smells like hay.


Active Member
they can get like that,but if the stems is still somewhat moist u can jar it,but watch it closely,and it should get back to normal,you may have to take it out of jars again and dry more,this is how my last grow did

the hay smell should go away once you are in the curing process ,mine never had the hay smell but they were very big buds :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Jarring causes the moisture to move towards the outside of the bud. We burp the jars every 12 hours to release the moisture. I notice that after leaving the lids off, the buds will get hard and crispy, but as soon as I put the lids back on the moisture works its way back to the outside of the bud and they get soft again.

You keep doing this until the RH in the jar stabilizes at 55-62%. Maybe a week of burping but this is just a guideline because everyone's bud, dry room, and RH is different. Hay smell is expected in the first week and will go away if the drying and curing procedures are done correctly. That's just the way it smells as it dries.

Here is your magic number: 55% RH. Get a hydrometer and place it in the jar. If you ever dip below 55% the curing process stops no mater what you do, the bud will no longer improve in quality. Of course anything around or above 70% is perfect conditions for mold. So don't forget to burp the jars.

Hope that helps. Get some Boveda humidity packs for your jars. They work and take the guessing game out of jar RH and curing.

