If Weed was 100% legal in the USA


Well-Known Member
Here is a chance to think this through. A Thought Experiment.

Suppose, possibly magically, cannabis becomes 100% legal for people to grow. All aspects are legal except sales.

Now I see the Black Market flooded with weed because now production is wide open.

I see the price of weed falling to reasonable levels for Primo and Schwag is made into inscence.

So now we have people free to have weed.

What would you do then? What does this world look like to you?


Well-Known Member
Here is a chance to think this through. A Thought Experiment.

Suppose, possibly magically, cannabis becomes 100% legal for people to grow. All aspects are legal except sales.

Now I see the Black Market flooded with weed because now production is wide open.

I see the price of weed falling to reasonable levels for Primo and Schwag is made into inscence.

So now we have people free to have weed.

What would you do then? What does this world look like to you?

Come on we smoke weed! We have imaginations!


Well-Known Member
i think that a lot of people really need pot and cannot grow - so there needs to be sales.. and it seems best to me to have it regulated where adults buy at a store - not forcing adults and kids to the same corner meth dealer.. i think that the whole scene and anything associated with it would seem a lot more clean and non-threatening if it were all in the hands of shop owners..


Well-Known Member
Well, why are we allowed to vote if we are not property owners (In the USA) ?

It wasn't always the case. Being a Woman or a non-white was just cause for a lot of political privilege.

What are we? We are not allowed a plant that grows in the sun. A plant mind you.. We are not talking equal shares in the future of humanity.

But about that Future : You are either a Cattle or a Rancher of the Cattle.


Here is a chance to think this through. A Thought Experiment.

Suppose, possibly magically, cannabis becomes 100% legal for people to grow. All aspects are legal except sales.

Now I see the Black Market flooded with weed because now production is wide open.

I see the price of weed falling to reasonable levels for Primo and Schwag is made into inscence.

So now we have people free to have weed.

What would you do then? What does this world look like to you?
Actually this is not a good idea, If you allowed that you just gonna increase the black market and the polices will work ward to stop this!!

The best choice is categorize the weed such as wine, and the government wanna increase their taxes revenue too man!!

If weed one day is gonna be 100% legalize to grow and sale will be perfect our government they will stop waist money to arrest stoners, and they will centralize the money to correct actions for security!!

In my opinion everthing should be legal, the peoples should make their own choices, and they should centralize the efforts in education!!

See ya


Well-Known Member
everything has a catagory and laws regarding it.. even a pile of dead brush can be sold for firewood or can be hazardous if left in the sun..
i like the idea of the powers-that-be just leaving their hands off it - but, our current society is built around rules and monetary values for everything that we see, eat, hear, smell, taste and feel..
remember on Star Trek how they have no money? that is the real goal in my mind - if we can get beyond money then all of these issues are mute.. what we need is matter replication - that would turn the entire world around.. replicate enough food and goods that no one has to suffer or go without anything ever again.. am i right? robots that build and maintain robots.. money has always been 'the root of all evil'.. but, i actually foresee a day when it will cease..

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
Alcoholics opened fire to aquire and protect their right to consume alcohol. Pot will never be legal. Potheads are to peace loving for any thing to change in their favour:).


Well-Known Member
Alcoholics opened fire to aquire and protect their right to consume alcohol. Pot will never be legal. Potheads are to peace loving for any thing to change in their favour:).

well - i watched the Prohibition Ken Burns special - and the end of alcohol prohibition was not a bloody one - it was a political one - the candidate at the time had more things going for them besides the 'wet' movement.. but, it took the entire country to see what a horrible mess things had become in the 12 years of alcohol prohibition - it was hard to believe after the program that all of these awful things had actually happened in only one decade..

so, there we go - the bloody part is the time during prohibition.. lives lost every day because of lies and corruption and greed..


Well-Known Member
I think the World would be a happier place.
I think usage would probably drop with the younger crowd. Since, there will be no thrill in doing something legal.
For sure the price would drop.:leaf:


Well-Known Member
I think the World would be a happier place.
I think usage would probably drop with the younger crowd. Since, there will be no thrill in doing something legal.
For sure the price would drop.:leaf:
exactly! to back that up - i have ready many times that pot in the pre-prohibition age was simply a remedy for mother's mentrual cramps and grandma's arthritis pain.. some learned men smoked it such as George Washington and Thomas Jefforson, but it was not exactly a party - it was something that old farts smoked in the coffee house to discuss deep political discourse..

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
Alcoholics opened fire to aquire and protect their right to consume alcohol. Pot will never be legal. Potheads are to peace loving for any thing to change in their favour:).

Alcoholics never "opened fire" to protect thier rights, the Gangsters who stepped in to fulfil the demand for it did to protect thier turf, much as it is today. Too many mainstream americans drank alcohol to keep it illegal for long. Too many high profile people were at risk of going to jail. One would think that thats how it is today as well, but something tells me that there is more going on with pot legislation than meets the eye. There is something out of whack in the totally disproportionate attack on pot. WHY is it so important that they continue to persecute it and those who partake?

If it were 100% legal, as in like alcohol legal, then yes, everyone would be able to grow thier own. Much like we are able to make so much beer or liquor without taxation. But you don't see all alcoholics brewing thier own, in fact a damn small percentage of all drinkers make it. There will STILL be a market for Samuel Adams in the Budweiser market!!


Well-Known Member
Actually this is not a good idea, If you allowed that you just gonna increase the black market and the polices will work ward to stop this!!

The best choice is categorize the weed such as wine, and the government wanna increase their taxes revenue too man!!

If weed one day is gonna be 100% legalize to grow and sale will be perfect our government they will stop waist money to arrest stoners, and they will centralize the money to correct actions for security!!

In my opinion everthing should be legal, the peoples should make their own choices, and they should centralize the efforts in education!!

See ya
I understand the duality of concept since there are two that make one.

It's a larger perspective than we realize.

If we look out into space there are no places to go for millions of light years so we and all that is Earth is a Cattle Farm. be it a meat market or Political culling.

So since we know we are Economic Cattle can we have and use weed?

That's all. Where do you stand on Getting Stoned? On the side of freedom or profits?


Well-Known Member
exactly! to back that up - i have ready many times that pot in the pre-prohibition age was simply a remedy for mother's mentrual cramps and grandma's arthritis pain.. some learned men smoked it such as George Washington and Thomas Jefforson, but it was not exactly a party - it was something that old farts smoked in the coffee house to discuss deep political discourse..
Imagination is a human right or we are simply the Beast of Burden.


Well-Known Member
What the hell does smoking weed do?

I'd say make one dream!; Imagine! and find inspiration!

In Short it is Good For You!


Well-Known Member
Alcoholics never "opened fire" to protect thier rights, the Gangsters who stepped in to fulfil the demand for it did to protect thier turf, much as it is today. Too many mainstream americans drank alcohol to keep it illegal for long. Too many high profile people were at risk of going to jail. One would think that thats how it is today as well, but something tells me that there is more going on with pot legislation than meets the eye. There is something out of whack in the totally disproportionate attack on pot. WHY is it so important that they continue to persecute it and those who partake?

If it were 100% legal, as in like alcohol legal, then yes, everyone would be able to grow thier own. Much like we are able to make so much beer or liquor without taxation. But you don't see all alcoholics brewing thier own, in fact a damn small percentage of all drinkers make it. There will STILL be a market for Samuel Adams in the Budweiser market!!
Smart Rabbit right there! I agree 100% The MAIN reason why cannabis has had such a rough time is because it is truly IS a multi-purpose crop that PEOPLE CAN GROW on thier own- without DuPont, Monsanto, Baxter or Lily! Once people have healing power in thier hands, the govs cannot exert control on behalf of the corporations. Remember we are all cattle and the govs have to exert more control or we realize we really don't need them anymore. Typical self-preservation act by any number of crappy governments on this planet.


Well-Known Member
I suppose none of you ever heard of Alcopone or a tommy gun...right.

Yeah everyone's heard of that douchebag. He was brought down by the treasury department for... tax evasion. And shortly after Capone was arrested Alcohol Prohibition was lifted. Capone profited immensely due to the huge demand for black market booze. Take away the black market, you take away the riff raff that goes with it. ;)

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
I suppose none of you ever heard of Alcopone or a tommy gun...right.
Al Capone: Gangster (One of many) who stepped up to provide a product made illegal by prohibition. Tommy Gun: Weapon of choice for said gangster to protect the turf created by the demand for the product that prohibition prohibited.
Alcoholics: The boozers who sat by, drinking illegal booze in speak-easys, watching all this go down in complete defiance of said prohibition laws. They didnt fire a shot.
Kennedy Family: Made their fortune running illegal booze into New England from Canada during prohibition in complete defiance of prohibition laws, now commonly accepted as respectable, upstanding citizens, politicians,and new American royalty. See Chappaquiddick.

Prohibition created the climate for the black market and violent under-world figures who protected thier turf thru superior firepower.