If you know what youre talking about can you answer this?



  • [h=2]Does it cost more to grow organically? Are the ingredients for compost teas hard to find? Is the weed less potent if grown organically? And i know theres forums on here that can answer this last question, but are there different methods of growing organically other than teas?[/h]



Well-Known Member
Don't forget Biobizz. They are 100% organic certified also. I currently use it and have in the past and it grows some good shit. I use their soil also but I may stay away from that and make my own mix next time due to Gnat issues in their recent batch of soil (a hot summer was blamed for the gnats by Biobizz which is understandable I suppose).


Well-Known Member
No problem, I actually had a reply written out but got a server error trying to send and then you had replied with a better answer anyway :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
That's not true. I know people who use both organics and synthetics in the same grow on separate strains. 50+ strains and No difference in yield or potency from the nutrients at all. as long as they are used properly.

I've pulled 2.5oz off an Auto AK in a 3.9gallon container with General organics.
Proof if needed www.rollitup.org/blogs/blog30224-g13-labs-auto-ak-400w.html
So you can't say organics yield less just because you had a bad experience with them...
because they don't


Well-Known Member
LoL all you have to do is look at the NPK on the bottle to see which ones has stronger nutrients.
FoxFarm Grow Big 6-4-4, BioBizz Bio Grow 3-0-8
That's why you get less of a yield using organics, but also less problems with pH, and deficiencies over chemical nutrients.
I've grow with the BioBizz for a couple years. it's good organics nutrients.


Well-Known Member
I use General Organics

BioThrive Grow 4-3-3
BioRoot 1-1-1
BioWeed 0.2-0-0.3
BioMarine 2-3-1
Diamond Black 0-0-1

BioThrive Bloom 2-4-4
BioRoot 1-1-1
BioBud 0.5-0.1-1
BioMarine 2-3-1

Never need to pH. and never have problems.


Well-Known Member
LoL all you have to do is look at the NPK on the bottle to see which ones has stronger nutrients.
FoxFarm Grow Big 6-4-4, BioBizz Bio Grow 3-0-8
That's why you get less of a yield using organics, but also less problems with pH, and deficiencies over chemical nutrients.
I've grow with the BioBizz for a couple years. it's good organics nutrients.
WRONG! Read up on how you americans measure NPK... The true NPK of biogrow is 4-3-6 and that means nothing to how much you will yield. Each supplier of nutrients have their own dosing for the plants. You feed the plant as much as it needs.


Active Member
1. IF you subtract the capital cost of the hydroponic system, then I would say it costs more to grow organically using quality products.
2. Never used teas, but I am confident the pre-fab products work fine.
3. It is not less potent, and, depending on the strain, organic product can be superior in my experience.
4. Get some Pro-Mix BX, amend it with worm castings, guanos, and whatever other organic amendments strike your fancy and you need merely add water for the life cycle of the plant.

The benefits of using a hydroponic system are: automation and increased yield. If somebody thinks they are going to take a 4x4x4 cube of organic mix and match the yield of a 4x4x4 rockwool cube, I would have to see the evidence of it because I do not believe it to be possible.