If you remember jawbrodt...


If you interacted with him, you knew he considered this community to be like family, and really loved being helpful. With a sad heart I wanted to let you all know that he passed away on November 7.



Well-Known Member
Hello Jawsgirl. I'm so very Sorry to hear that he has passed away. I spoke to him a few times and found him to be a happy and helpfull friend from accross the Big Pond.
My thoughts are with you and his Family xxx


Well-Known Member
Thats awful! my jaw dropped when i saw this and still hasnt come back up. holy fuck, what happened?(also-i know the threads a bit old but its the first time i saw it). I'm really surpised in the last 3 days alot more people havent commented. i guess they must not of noticed it.


Sector 5 Moderator
I very seldom come to this section but darkdestruction420 posted it in the staff section. Jawbrodt was a great asset to our community here and our way of life. I'm so sorry for your loss.


Thank you, everybody. I was surprised more people hadn't said anything, either. I guess I posted in the wrong place. :oops: