IF you were POTUS ...


Well-Known Member
Every President likes to look back at what he has achieved in their first 90 days. Some even, as part of their campaign explain what their goals are for the first 90.
If YOU were suddenly dropped into that job ...
what would your TOP THREE goals be for the first 90 days?

Make it two questions ... domestic and international.
1. Reinstate Obama era environmental protections.
2. Stop Russian election interference, executive order a agency to notify everyone that is currently being catfished by Foreign political trolls.
3. Reinstate DACA protections.

1. Reach out and get a democratic nation proclamation about stopping foreign interference in elections worldwide.
2. Get back in Paris environment protection thing and get the congress to ratify it so that the next Trump doesn't just exit it again.
3. Rebuild the devastation in the South Korean relationship with our country.

So much more, these are a few of the lowest of the low hanging fruit.
1) Nuke Detroit and Chicago (just small 10 megaton tacticals, nothing really bad)
2) Arrest Hillary for treason,
3) Arrest Nancy Pelosi for ugly.
1) Nuke Detroit and Chicago (just small 10 megaton tacticals, nothing really bad)
2) Arrest Hillary for treason,
3) Arrest Nancy Pelosi for ugly.
Yes, yes, we already know you identify with Trump's base of racist, misogynist uneducated white men.

A new analysis finds attitudes about gender and race were far better predictors of support for Trump than personal economic woes.

a new scholarly analysis suggests Trump's instinct that racial prejudice drove him to victory is spot on.

"The 2016 campaign witnessed a dramatic polarization in the vote choices of whites based on (their level of) education," writes a research team led by political scientist Brian Schaffner of the University of Massachusetts–Amherst. "Very little of this gap can be explained by the economic difficulties faced by less-educated whites. Rather, most of the divide appears to be associated with sexism, and denialism of racism."