If you wonder about virtual sun hydroponics


Active Member
well i placed an order with them friday i got the conformation email and noticed that i had not put my whole adress down so sent them a email about it rite away it was late at nite so i figured nobody would answer so i waited i placed an order with htg at around the same time for the rest of my equiptment got both order emails around the same time to let me know they had gone through ok

ive been waiting patently sence then .........
so i got htgs email letting me know the packages are in the hands of ups now but even after emailing to let them know about my address needing to change virtual sun has yet to answer me back no ups messages no virtual sun messages

personaly im starting to think that i got ripped off by virtual sun .... if this honestly is the case im fucked out of mmoney and the most important part of my grow the tent im going to flower in so without this im screwed and if i woulda thought ide get ripped off i would have spent the extra 100$ on the tent from wormsway instead

what the fuck is the world comming to where people cant even order thangs online without getting ripped off i know it is said all the time it suks to get ripped off but literaly they are stealing from a blind man trying to provide his glaucoma meds to himself i fucking saved up for 3 months to just hsve 150$ bucks takin just like that i know that seems like a long time but im disabled and cant get a real job and i dont even get enough to psy my bills i am constantly borrowing money from fsmily and now this is just makeing it worse on me

why is the world so shitty

just my $0.02 throwin it out there to save nebody that reads this the trouble im goin through with virtual sun



I was ripped off by these scumbags too. Nothing they sell has ever been tested. My first ballast was bad which they did replace. It took 20 days but the replacement was bad too. They didn't even test the replacement unit. After that they refused to talk to me further on the issue. Unbelievable ripoff.


Well-Known Member
my cool tube was cracked when i finally got my order. i gotta say they were a nightmare to deal with. took about 4 emails from me before i got ebay involved and even then they balked at sending me a new one even with pictures. greners only for me now. :eyesmoke: