If your a smart stoner and you have READ fight club click here


Well-Known Member
So i gotta do a report on the foreshadowing of fight club i thought it would be the same as the movie but the more i read the more i realize the differences. im just wondering if anyone knows most of the key foreshadows. ive already noted "I know this because Tyler knows this", "If i wake up in a different place in a different time could i wake up as a different person", and the interactions with marla after the attempted suicide. please if theres somthing im missing please let me know as i want as much info as possible


i've been trying to read it... but am a cheap bastard, and have been trying (in vain) to find a free copy online... without downloading.... not against downloading, but torrents take FOREVER on my comp/connection for some reason.... just got finished reading 1984 last night, and the end was rather disappointing.... somehow I have managed to never have seen the movie yet, so I was a clean slate... and it kinda pissed me off:evil:


Well-Known Member
i've been trying to read it... but am a cheap bastard, and have been trying (in vain) to find a free copy online... without downloading.... not against downloading, but torrents take FOREVER on my comp/connection for some reason.... just got finished reading 1984 last night, and the end was rather disappointing.... somehow I have managed to never have seen the movie yet, so I was a clean slate... and it kinda pissed me off:evil:
You're missing out on one of the best movies of all time


Well-Known Member
I started reading the book today, so I'm not all the way done but I'm on page 105 so far and the members of project mayhem constantly hint to it with there winks and "You know what's going on" type shit


Well-Known Member
all you guys have to tell me that youve read the greatest book of all time FEAR AND LOATHING IN LAS VEGAS: A SAVAGE JOURNWY INTO THE AMERICAN DREAM who ever hasnt read it should be banned from this sight in my personal oppinion

Iron Lion Zion

Well-Known Member
all you guys have to tell me that youve read the greatest book of all time FEAR AND LOATHING IN LAS VEGAS: A SAVAGE JOURNWY INTO THE AMERICAN DREAM who ever hasnt read it should be banned from this sight in my personal oppinion
While I'm sure it is a good and entertaining book, I highly doubt it would make the "Best 100 Books of all Time" List.

I read Fight Club a couple of times/seen the movie. Let me think for a sec and I'll get back to you.

Iron Lion Zion

Well-Known Member
Here we go...

I lost my book so this off the top of my head... maybe you can find the general area of the book that I am talking about to find exact quotes.

He comes to define himself as a person based on his job/stupid Ikea things that he buys and loses touch with what defines him. So he creates Tyler as his alternate personality to define himself.

Tyler and Marla are never referenced as interacting with the Narrator at the same time.

Tyler shows the same disdain for his father as the Narrator.

All the Fight Club participants are eventually dressed the same way, this is done because Fight Club represents battling yourself, just as the Narrator battles Tyler (himself).

The narrator takes no part in controlling the space monkeys, yet they look to him as the leader (he controls them under his other personality - Tyler)... they also never meet Tyler and ask about him a lot.

The narrator feels insignificant in the world, before "meeting" Tyler - Tyler echoes this by repeatedly saying we are nothing in this world.

The narrator's condition worsens while Tyler's condition improves after their first encounter.

Hopefully this helps a little.


Well-Known Member
Eh Chuck Palahniuk is too vulgar and sick for me to ever want to read. I'm all about a positive experience when I read. Also how does reading crappy ass fight club make someone a smart smoker? I'd say it's pretty close to being a grocery store novel you'd buy at check out. Maybe it's me but I've never been a fan of Palahniuk's shit.


Eh Chuck Palahniuk is too vulgar and sick for me to ever want to read. I'm all about a positive experience when I read. Also how does reading crappy ass fight club make someone a smart smoker? I'd say it's pretty close to being a grocery store novel you'd buy at check out. Maybe it's me but I've never been a fan of Palahniuk's shit.

that is one of the things that is appealing about chuck and his work, he touches on things that other people wont.... but it is real.... i dont mind vulgar if it is real.... that being said, "guts" is rather disturbing... at least the pieces i have read... dont think i'll be delving into that one, it reaches too far into the homosexual vulgarity... bit too foreign for my tastes as well


Well-Known Member
Well, I just finished the book. I'm not going to spoil the ending but I will say that it was fucking ANTI CLIMATIC the movie was 10 times better.

I would think that if you didn't see the movie first the book doesn't even make sense. The movie added alot of stuff to make the story flow smoother.


Well-Known Member
all you guys have to tell me that youve read the greatest book of all time FEAR AND LOATHING IN LAS VEGAS: A SAVAGE JOURNWY INTO THE AMERICAN DREAM who ever hasnt read it should be banned from this sight in my personal oppinion
ive seen the movie like 20 times but ive never read the book. any major differences??

please no spoilers.


Well-Known Member
Eh Chuck Palahniuk is too vulgar and sick for me to ever want to read. I'm all about a positive experience when I read. Also how does reading crappy ass fight club make someone a smart smoker? I'd say it's pretty close to being a grocery store novel you'd buy at check out. Maybe it's me but I've never been a fan of Palahniuk's shit.
because a stupid smoker wouldn't be able to analyze a novel for its foreshadowing references. i can do it im just a lazy smoker so its difficult as im sure most tokers know this feeling