Illadelph Heavy Hitter Coil For Sale - *UPDATED WITH PICS*


New Member
Hey folks!

I’ve decided I’d like to sell my beautiful illadelph coil set (green/“Rasta”). The pieces were purchased from an authorized dealer in 2011. The original coil broke, so I had illadelph blow me a new, custom “heavy hitter” coil for a pretty penny. It’s about 50 or 60% larger than the standard one.

The full set includes the beaker base with a shower head perc, the heavy hitter coil, and a one-piece inline ash catcher. I will also include a sovereignty down stem, a one-off “goldfish” bowl by a local glass blower, cheap one hitter bowl, and a matching illadelph glass wand for lighting bowls. I’ve got a keck clip for the base/coil joint as well. I do not have the original Rasta bowl or the small two-piece grinder (it was useless anyway).

Make an offer! Please no lowballs. I will post pictures of everything in a bit. For context this setup cost me about $2300 in 2011 dollars. I will only sell for the right price, this is a true collectors item and extremely unique with the heavy hitter coil. Peace be with you friends.
Hey folks!

I’ve decided I’d like to sell my beautiful illadelph coil set (green/“Rasta”). The pieces were purchased from an authorized dealer in 2011. The original coil broke, so I had illadelph blow me a new, custom “heavy hitter” coil for a pretty penny. It’s about 50 or 60% larger than the standard one.

The full set includes the beaker base with a shower head perc, the heavy hitter coil, and a one-piece inline ash catcher. I will also include a sovereignty down stem, a one-off “goldfish” bowl by a local glass blower, cheap one hitter bowl, and a matching illadelph glass wand for lighting bowls. I’ve got a keck clip for the base/coil joint as well. I do not have the original Rasta bowl or the small two-piece grinder (it was useless anyway).

Make an offer! Please no lowballs. I will post pictures of everything in a bit. For context this setup cost me about $2300 in 2011 dollars. I will only sell for the right price, this is a true collectors item and extremely unique with the heavy hitter coil. Peace be with you friends.
wheres the pics? got the box? I am not interested but I'd like to see a picture, and I'm sure anyone interested would too.
Hey folks! I am back with the pics as promised.

I’ve decided I’d like to sell my beautiful illadelph coil set (green/“Rasta”). The pieces were purchased from an authorized retailer in 2011. The original coil broke, so I had illadelph blow me a new, custom “heavy hitter” coil for a pretty penny. It’s about 50 or 60% larger than the standard one.

The full set includes the beaker base with a shower head perc, the heavy hitter coil, and a one-piece inline ash catcher. I will also include a sovereignty down stem, a one-off “goldfish” bowl by a local glass blower, cheap one hitter bowl, and a matching illadelph glass wand for lighting your flower butane free. I’ve got an Illadelph branded magentic clip for the base/coil joint as well. I do not have the original Rasta bowl or the small two-piece grinder (it was useless anyway).

Make an offer! Please no lowballs. I will post pictures of everything in a bit. For context this setup cost me about $2300 in 2011 dollars. I will only sell for the right price, this is a true collectors item and extremely unique with the heavy hitter coil. Illadelph does not make pieces like this anymore and I can't find anything like this for sale in my searches of the interwebs.

Peace be with you friends.


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Funny I haven't seen an illy in a few years now. Used to be the big thing. Great bongs, and nice show pieces. After breaking my Dale Sommers dab rig I was done buying exp glass. Lol. That one stung. Hope you find someone who will appreciate it!