Illinois Legal Organic Perpetual Setup


Well-Known Member
At this point I am simply daydreaming but I am sure others have had the same day dream or do have the funds available to do it and I didn't see it posted in the illinois med subthread.

Limit is 5 plants over 5 inches.

Reason for wanting to do it: I enjoy it, no more.
Goal: Have as much high quality legal medicine as possible

How much space would you want? a 2x4 tent and a 4x4 tent, two 5x5s etc? a third room for drying?
How would you schedule it? transfer/start/harvest a plant each month, two plants every 2 months, etc?

Hopefully we get some good banter in this one with different opinions.

My thoughts have been to base on a 10week flower and veg for 15 weeks. Rotating one plant down the line every 5 weeks, so 3 in veg and 2 flowering
I am figuring two 5x5s wold cover 5 plants but havent gotten too far into this daydream yet lol

Would 20 gallon parts suffice for a 15 week veg and flower if doing a water only super soil or would I need to be in that 50-100gallon range?

what say you?
10 weeks is a great way to perpetuate. however its going to take planning and alot of daily work to keep the engine driving. I have 4 spaces. 1 small seedling clone box , 1 veg box and 2 flower lights in same space but each has 4 plants under it and they are 5 weeks apart. expect your minimum harvest time to be whatever your strain time is

it took me 3 months to begin my perpetual
10 weeks is a great way to perpetuate. however its going to take planning and alot of daily work to keep the engine driving. I have 4 spaces. 1 small seedling clone box , 1 veg box and 2 flower lights in same space but each has 4 plants under it and they are 5 weeks apart. expect your minimum harvest time to be whatever your strain time is

it took me 3 months to begin my perpetual

If this ever does happen, i think I would be choosy about my strains based on the schedule. As far as the work side of it goes, what is the old saying...enjoy what you do and you will never work a day in your life. Fortunetaly, this is just a personal hobby I enjoy. I do enjoy the cost savings but that has been met with my current setup. If there was any real risk for me, it would absolutely become work which is why I don't think I would want the industry to be my profession. I day dream about what illinois calls a "craft growers licence" where you are allowed 30 plants but it would be a retirement type of thing, not what I relied on to put food on the table
definitely pheno hunt for moms that fit your desired schedule its alot harder to run on unknown time frames as your flower room will get full fast. I suggest keeping moms then cloning send clones to flower box after alittle veg start all over. this takes patience and dedication, you will always be tending to your garden to some degree

it is a hobby of mine aswell , don't let it be a stressor, I also love divorcing the black market as a customer
Clones would be waaayyy late in the game. In the few runs I have done so far, I have found I prefer the symmetrical node structure you get from seeds. No real reason for this though lol
Clones would be waaayyy late in the game. In the few runs I have done so far, I have found I prefer the symmetrical node structure you get from seeds. No real reason for this though lol
you can run with seeds just seems clones take off in veg faster and you can run it unlimited times off 1 seed. you also get an exact copy each run. seeds are a gamble genetically
If you wanted hassle-free, you could always run autos, just start one a week or two before you harvest another, always having 5 plants over 5 inches, only one tent needed. It would take a lot of the fun out of it, but would certainly meet the goal.
you can run with seeds just seems clones take off in veg faster and you can run it unlimited times off 1 seed. you also get an exact copy each run. seeds are a gamble genetically

I will agree on the speed side of it. Only good thing to our law on this plant limit is under 5 inches don't count so my hope is to get a good start on the seedling stage while keeping it under 5 inches with some training. Maybe if I find something I really like I would clone it but chances are id buy more seeds lol. I also find myself looking for a change after smoking a harvest of one strain
I will agree on the speed side of it. Only good thing to our law on this plant limit is under 5 inches don't count so my hope is to get a good start on the seedling stage while keeping it under 5 inches with some training. Maybe if I find something I really like I would clone it but chances are id buy more seeds lol. I also find myself looking for a change after smoking a harvest of one strain
oddly specific rules. we have 6 count 12 if 2 adults in home so size restrictions so strange how each state is doing this.
I will agree on the speed side of it. Only good thing to our law on this plant limit is under 5 inches don't count so my hope is to get a good start on the seedling stage while keeping it under 5 inches with some training. Maybe if I find something I really like I would clone it but chances are id buy more seeds lol. I also find myself looking for a change after smoking a harvest of one strain
clones are for those strains you wish you still had but ran the seed and will never find it again. I have a ethos cotton candy im trying to reveg because I took no clones and now I cry at night (jk)
oddly specific rules. we have 6 count 12 if 2 adults in home so size restrictions so strange how each state is doing this.
Are you in CO too?

I can have 6 flowering plants with my wife, and I could grow trees if I want. I know it's crazy some states have size restrictions. But it's crazy I can grow trees too, even though we're only allowed to possess an ounce per person, lol.
Are you in CO too?

I can have 6 flowering plants with my wife, and I could grow trees if I want. I know it's crazy some states have size restrictions. But it's crazy I can grow trees too, even though we're only allowed to possess an ounce per person, lol.
we can keep 10zips but so far no one checks so shush

the rec shops seem to dominate the market . stupid high prices 55 eights min for 20%
Are you in CO too?

I can have 6 flowering plants with my wife, and I could grow trees if I want. I know it's crazy some states have size restrictions. But it's crazy I can grow trees too, even though we're only allowed to possess an ounce per person, lol.

we get 5 that are over 5 inches tall per property regardless of how many people. Anything below 5 inches doesn't count. No size restriction and no possession limit if its mine and on my property.

I find the variations in the laws silly and I can be a bit of a smartass at times so I think it would be funny to produce as much high quality medicine as i legally can.

for the OP though glad your thinking ahead. a lot of people rush the process

I'm too cheap to rush a venture of that size lol.

Dispensary prices here are insane too, even medical is 60. rec is even worse because of the tax