ILLINOIS you CAN do it! (but only if you do this)

Natures Cure

Active Member
These seems to be quite a bit of support for cannabis in the "Lincoln State". Many supporters of SB1381 are getting prepared as we await the 3rd Reading in the IL House this March.

It has already passed two committees to get this far. Meditate on seeing the Senate Bill get it's 3rd reading and not be passed by/tabled. AND get passed into law.

If you are 18 years old or older and you live in IL do the following:

1. Call your Congressman's office and ask to speak with your congressman. At this point you will most likely be talking with an office staffer.

2. Let his staffer know that your a constituent in the congressmans district. Give your REAL name and address. Do not be afraid to give your real info. Otherwise it is a complete waste of your dime and eventually you're going to be busted with weed cause it's STILL ILLEGAL unless everyone who has ever toked, smoked, coughed & choked do something about the sensless war on a weed.

3. State the Bill # it's name and that your would like him to vote in the bill to law because . . . ( add your resoning here in three basic sentences and then immeadiately proceed to step 4.

4. Ask for a written response to your inquiry and the congressman's position on the bill.

5. KISS - Keep it simple stupid. DON'T CALL STONED. This congressmans office is too busy to spend more than 3 or 4 minutes with you on the phone.


Do IT! and we can stop doing this :wall:.

:peace: & :leaf: