Illuminati, Builderberg, NWO, UN, Chemtrail, Underground Base, Alien, Jew"Conspiracy"


Well-Known Member
Most have heard about the Illuminati, Builderberg, NWO, UN, Chemtrail, Underground Base, Alien, Jew "Conspiracies"
So what are these groups up to? What are these phenomina? What are these stories about? What are your theories?


Ursus marijanus
I have proof that all that conspiracy horse-ola is still steaming from Dobbin's bottom. Once you see this ... oh wait. Someone at the door brb ... cn


Well-Known Member
Please tell about that Jew conspiracy ....
Never heard of it
Long story short, a handful of Jews rule the world and are the cause for most things, like they make and control Alcohol and TV and Movies and the $$$ you work for and are responsible for the great wars.
Henry Ford would be a good start if you want to read up on it in greater detail.


Well-Known Member
Carne! You pushed me over the 10000 mark in +rep! I'm now in the elite club known as "Hero Squad".


Well-Known Member
You watch enough of them illuminati videos you're bound to start believing the nonsense. I remember one night they had me listening to beyonce songs in reverse.

Felt like I got trolled... real hard.


Well-Known Member
You watch enough of them illuminati videos you're bound to start believing the nonsense. I remember one night they had me listening to beyonce songs in reverse.

Felt like I got trolled... real hard.
I don't think Beyonce is truly illuminati but they do use celebrities to disiminate they're hidden messages in their movies music and videos


Well-Known Member
The Bilderberg Group is very real as is the Council on Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission. Since the people who belong/have belonged to one group usually were members of at least one other group would lead reasonable thinkers to seriously suspect the fix is in before the first card is dealt. Bilderberger's include Gates, Obama, George HW and George W Bush, Henry Kissinger and so on. Read up and learn.


Well-Known Member
We all know that their are things going on,behind the scenes,but the last place you should look for answers in on rollitup,we will never know whats really going on.Everybody does their share in this land of the underhanded schemes and plans,weather we know it are not,nothing we can do but bare with it.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Carne! You pushed me over the 10000 mark in +rep! I'm now in the elite club known as "Hero Squad".
I'll expect timely payments. 15% interest. 5.00 dollar late fee if one day late 10.00 dollars for two. 50.00 for 3 or more. Pleasure doing business with you.


Well-Known Member
The world today is one big game of Risk, with only a handful of players
I don't even really believe that, sometimes I think maybe there are a few different sides and if that's the case you're right, but sometimes I think it's all one side, like in world war two, the Jews had Hitler and the US and England fighting but they were all on the same team and they controlled all sides.