I'm a Complete Grow Nub


Active Member
Alright, well. I'm a complete marijuana growing nub.
I've been smoking for about a year and a half.

Being very young(not even 16 yet) i said, why not start early?
So anyways, i'm curious.
I know bud comes from the females, but do you have to grow a male and a female, and the male fertilizes the Female? Or, can you pick seeds out of, say...some dank, and plant it, and see it grow or what.

I can only grow it outside, sense im a pussy and don't even wanna risk growing inside and my rents finding it.
Also whats the estimated time it takes to grow and flower, etc.

So please my fellow professional tokers/growers. Help me out!



Well-Known Member
damn you young bra u know u gotta be 18 right?
idk much about outdoor cause its risky n shit.

you start in spring /early summer and can have buds ready to harvest around end of Sep beg of Oct

Poncho Sunshine

Active Member
Lol, it's illegal here no matter your age.

Anyways, it's September here, so if i planted now, i wouldnt be able to have a good harvest cause its too late in the year?


Well-Known Member
no its too late to start. either indoors or wait until spring.
its illegal where im at too im not med mj.
I'm sayin you can be on this site as a member unless you 18.


Well-Known Member
yea you gotta be 18 to post n shit.
i wish i had this site at 14 woulda saved alot of time n shit...

just wait until spring to start back up n grow unless you can do indoors.