I'm a huge noob trying to grow.


Active Member
Well hello fellow stoners:joint:, I was just wondering if I could have a little help on my first grow.

Me and a buddy of mine are trying to germ about 40 seeds right now. I just started germing them yesterday, so it should be at least another day before the sprout shows.

We plant to move them into very small pots, but I'm wondering how many seeds should I put in each pot?

Eventually once the plant grows a little bit, we will transfer the plants from the small pots to the larger ones, until we have moved up to the biggest size.

We plan to put these plants somewhere outside where there is a lot of sunlight.

I was just hoping some of you could give me some tips on what I should expect.

I've lurked quite a bit around here, and I've been reading a lot, and I don't get all of the terms and I was hoping some could be explained.

Thanks for all your help.


Active Member
one seed one pot.
40 seeds 40 pots.
Alright sounds good. Looks like I'm gonna need some more pots. :-P

I'm gonna start them in those things that have 8 different small pots in them, and then move up to bigger pots once the plants grow larger.

The soil I'm starting out with is called "Miracle Grow: Seed Starting" soil, any suggestions on future soil? I was thinking "Miracle Grow: Moisture Control" but I'm not sure.

Also when and what should I feed my plants after they are successfully sprouted?


Well-Known Member
i dont recommened using miracle grow soil at all... you cant control the nute level of your plants which can ultimately lead to nute burn and death.. if you really must use it use it in a mix.. like 50/50 mg soil and plain old soil... and only transplant them once... start them in a small pot and transplant them into the FINAL pot you plan on using.. a five gallon bucket is perfect.. just drill holes in the bottom for drainage... transplanting causes stress... stress can lead to males and hermies... too much stress can lead to death... dont over water... dont under water... dont over nute your plants... start with 1/4 strength solution and see how they react... add more as your plant grows.. make sure your soil has perlite and vermiculite for aeration... uses stones in the bottom of your pots to help further assist in drainage but also to help add weight to keep your plant upright... dont stress out over ever little thing... watch out for bugs... you can feed your plants neem oil, which is good for many pests, through watering.. just follow the directions on the bottle... umm... i think that covers a lot.. any other questions??


Well-Known Member
get rid of the buddy grow system. loose lips sink ships. read: "friends don't grow pot with friends cause usually someone ends up going to jail". it never turns out well. if you HAVE to be with a partner, keep your mouths shut. don't brag to your buddies that are going 40 dank ganja plants in the woods next to uncle skippy's house. if people talk about weed, don't even join in the conversation.

you aren't going to see sprouts in two days. you'll see a tap root. hope that helps. don't get caught. :peace:


Active Member
I have a question. When you say 1/4 strength on the nutes to start and build up, what exactly do you mean? I have CNS17 Grow and it says 15mL/4L for seedlings, 20mL/4L for middle size vegging, and 30mL/4L for full vegging. What would "1/4 strength" be in this situation and how would you build it up?


Well-Known Member
15 mL/4 = 3.75 mL 20mL/4 = 5 mL. that's what he means by 1/4 strength. don't use a full strength serving on young plants, once they get used to the nutes you can go to regular strength. i usually give nutes 1/4 - 1/2 strength for the first three feedings and then switch to full strength. :peace:

edit: no, half strength divided by four would be 1/8 strength. just divide the recommended by four.


Well-Known Member
Krawhitham, please start ur own thread or or browse. its not polite to hijack someone elses thread.

miracle grow can be tough, esp if ur a noob. they come loaded with 3 months worth of ferts and that makes it super easy to kill ur shit. when u go to the store, look for any sort of potting soil without added nutes etc. if worst comes to worst and u cant find anything, ive used MG Organic Choice, just dont add ur own nutes for a while and be careful with waterings as water releases the nutes.


Active Member
get rid of the buddy grow system. loose lips sink ships. read: "friends don't grow pot with friends cause usually someone ends up going to jail". it never turns out well. if you HAVE to be with a partner, keep your mouths shut. don't brag to your buddies that are going 40 dank ganja plants in the woods next to uncle skippy's house. if people talk about weed, don't even join in the conversation.

you aren't going to see sprouts in two days. you'll see a tap root. hope that helps. don't get caught. :peace:
My buddy is my best friend and neighbor. If we are going to have plants, we will tell no one. I don't want to get caught, and neither does he, so we are going to keep it on the DL, don't you worry. :)

i dont recommened using miracle grow soil at all... you cant control the nute level of your plants which can ultimately lead to nute burn and death.. if you really must use it use it in a mix.. like 50/50 mg soil and plain old soil... and only transplant them once... start them in a small pot and transplant them into the FINAL pot you plan on using.. a five gallon bucket is perfect.. just drill holes in the bottom for drainage... transplanting causes stress... stress can lead to males and hermies... too much stress can lead to death... dont over water... dont under water... dont over nute your plants... start with 1/4 strength solution and see how they react... add more as your plant grows.. make sure your soil has perlite and vermiculite for aeration... uses stones in the bottom of your pots to help further assist in drainage but also to help add weight to keep your plant upright... dont stress out over ever little thing... watch out for bugs... you can feed your plants neem oil, which is good for many pests, through watering.. just follow the directions on the bottle... umm... i think that covers a lot.. any other questions??
nute level = nutrition level?

Also, what soil do you suggest that has perlite and vermiculite?

Krawhitham, please start ur own thread or or browse. its not polite to hijack someone elses thread.

miracle grow can be tough, esp if ur a noob. they come loaded with 3 months worth of ferts and that makes it super easy to kill ur shit. when u go to the store, look for any sort of potting soil without added nutes etc. if worst comes to worst and u cant find anything, ive used MG Organic Choice, just dont add ur own nutes for a while and be careful with waterings as water releases the nutes.
Watering releases the nutes in the miracle grow? Shit I better find some new soil...


Well-Known Member
i would mix ur own soil... a good rule of thumb is about 1/3 perlite/vermiculite/peet moss or whatever... just dont go much over 1/3 of the total mix in perlite/vermiculite/ect...

and yes nute level = nutrition level... well the nute level that you give them... its harder in soil to stop nute burn then it is in hydro... in hydro you just change the water out... with soil you have to leach the soil with plain water many times.. spend a lot of extra energy... its just a pain all around.. if you start with soil that is for the most part "nute free" you can control how much your plant gets fed.. you start out with a 1/4 strength solution until your plants get used to the nutes... as your plants grow you can increase the strength.... this really helps in eliminating over feeding your plant....


Active Member
i would mix ur own soil... a good rule of thumb is about 1/3 perlite/vermiculite/peet moss or whatever... just dont go much over 1/3 of the total mix in perlite/vermiculite/ect...

and yes nute level = nutrition level... well the nute level that you give them... its harder in soil to stop nute burn then it is in hydro... in hydro you just change the water out... with soil you have to leach the soil with plain water many times.. spend a lot of extra energy... its just a pain all around.. if you start with soil that is for the most part "nute free" you can control how much your plant gets fed.. you start out with a 1/4 strength solution until your plants get used to the nutes... as your plants grow you can increase the strength.... this really helps in eliminating over feeding your plant....
Ok, I'm sorry I'm a noob but I just need to clarify.

So if I get soil that is virtually "nute free" then I will be able to control the nutrients I feed my plant when it is time to feed it. (Which should be how long into the grow?)

Also, when you say 1/4 strength solution, you mean I should dilute it into the water I'm using to water the plant?

This is making sense.

What type of nute do you suggest for outdoor growing?


Well-Known Member
thats exactly what i mean.. you can control when and how much your plants get fed.. the 1/4 strength means that to start divide the amount of nutes on the label by 1/4 while using the full amount of water... so if it says 20ml per gal use 5ml per gal... i would start that about 3 weeks in... basically when your plant seems well adjusted to the enviroment..

as far as nutes go:

i personally like the BC line (technaflora.com) or general hydroponics line (dunno their website)... they both have a great 3 part nute line that covers all major and micro nutes you need.. they can be used in hydro or soil... the nice thing about them is they are imediatley available to your plants to use... i've gotten good results using them... but thats just me... i suggest asking/looking around on here for other suggestions too.. i know foxfarm has a really good line of products also... just personal choice really...


Active Member
As was already stated, never ever grow with friends, it's the same as loaning money to a family member it should not be done. One thing to remember is if you want to grow them outside you will need a large well hidden area that no one knows about. Even your best friends will be tempted to gank all your plants. As the x files said trust no one.


Active Member
Sounds great. I'll have to find somewhere for the products to be shipped though, since I'm living at my parents house and they don't exactly approve.

I am 18 though.


Well-Known Member
your gonna have more problems than just finding somewhere to ship stuff to.. the smell of flowering plants is very very strong... if your growing near your house (Which i assume you are doing since its outside with a friend... and you dont want to run the risk of someone just happening upon your babies and taking them) and your parents dont approve your gonna have a hell of a time hiding them during the flowering...


Active Member
Def. find a secluded spot if your going to start. And I'm no hater of miracle grow nor do i support its use but I'm pretty sure theirs a thread for people that use MG only so if ur looking for positive feedback with MG go there personally I'm a hempy man so I just use 100% Perlite...if you want look into it: Hempy Buckets. But you should probably look for a good spot where you know you won't have to worry about much accept nature & it's bastard friends lol