I'm a long time stoner first time grower in Wyoming

Hey guys I'm new to the forum and growing so I thought I'd check this place out. It's nice to finaly find a really good source of information on the hobby. I'm sure I'll have plenty of questions as I get my grow going. I'll post pictures and a description of my set up soon.


Well-Known Member
welcome to riu man. i lived in wyoming for a month........... and thats about all i really have to say about wyoming without being negative.......
welcome to riu man. i lived in wyoming for a month........... and thats about all i really have to say about wyoming without being negative.......

Ya I hear ya man I'm close to South Dakota so it's not quite so bad. I moved here for the money and ended up losing my job. So I'm looking to supplement
my income a little bit. I own my home and it's not the best market to sell right now. I'd love to move back to Nebraska if I could find a good Job down there. I could buy a nicer home than I have here for almost half the money down there. I'd also make half as much so it's a bit of a predicament. The Laws in Nebraska are a bit better too, but then they have a state income tax. Probably just tough it out here.


Well-Known Member
My boyfriend was surveyor in wyoming he hated it with a passion, He wants to retire to Nebraska after he retires to North Platte. I don't know if I will go with him. I have a few years before I can retire unless I get full disibility due to cancer don't think that will happen though. I like the PNW I don't think I could move away from family. I think my parents want us to get married before we move.
My boyfriend was surveyor in wyoming he hated it with a passion, He wants to retire to Nebraska after he retires to North Platte. I don't know if I will go with him. I have a few years before I can retire unless I get full disibility due to cancer don't think that will happen though. I like the PNW I don't think I could move away from family. I think my parents want us to get married before we move.

You might want to talk him into going to South Dakota to Retire. No state income tax if he does have a little bit of income. low property and vehicle taxes too. That's where I will retire since I already have the house waiting for me when my parents pass. I do love Nebraska but the cost of living is quite high compared to the wages available.

I have the pics of my room that is still in construction. Those are 2 four foot shop lights with one cool white tube and one plant tube in each. I'm starting 18 seed at the moment but none are poking up yet. The fan pictured isn't on yet because my temp down there is a little cool yet. The tube surrounded by pink insulation is directly above the lights and goes outside to fresh air. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

